
There are two conversations to be had with your question

1. Forcing yourself on someone: This is never ok, period. With that said, context is key. The first time I kissed my wife, it was after dinner and we were at a bar. I initiated the kiss, and she was receptive. Now lets say she wasn’t receptive, that could be seen

That sounds like the new slogan for Disney+! "Come hate watch the movies that you got upset about for foolish reasons"


Salty about your rating getting less traction on IMDB, I see.

I mean, I don’t think you’re missing out on much not getting a totally uninformed review from DavidDukeKKK_69420 about how making the fish woman in the little girl cartoon black is an assault on the white race by secret UN Jewish lizard people but go off king

Weird that you put racism in quotes. Its almost like you don’t believe that racism is why this movie is getting review bombed. Why would that be, I wonder?

Quite confusing. YouTube on a TV and YouTube TV are two different entities, but this post is using them interchangeably. The header pic is using a YouTube TV logo which doesn’t really seem to be what these ad changes are referring to.

You sound like the guy who stops by my desk and can’t take the hint that I need to get work done instead of having a half hour conversation.

1) It isn’t up to your coworkers to be your friends.  Make friends in other ways. 2) It’s still very, very easy to have a connected, collaborative environment remotely.  I built an entirely new team during the quarantine and using the tools available ensured they had a robust team culture and were able to feel very

I think there was a stretch in the 90's where he wanted to move past the signature stuff, but I think he’s at a peaceful part of his life where he’s like “Yeah, you know, I like that people love me for these roles in particular”

“One of the unfortunate things that’s happening in Arizona, and we see this in other parts of the country as well, is that the two political parties have gotten more and more extreme.”

SpaceX would describe this as an “unscheduled aerial dispersal”.

This story is about electric trucks, explicitly NOT “gas-guzzling trucks”. But I do point out the environmental downsides of EV expansion, rather extensively.

I also reference more than one analysis comparing the environmental footprints of EVs vs. gas-powered cars. For your reference: Even when the grid is powered by

Congrats, usually when people lead with “Unpopular opinion” its anything but. This is a genuinely unpopular opinion!

Cockbags. I don’t care, I have an Android for reasons like this. BUT, I got one of my kids an iPhone because she is just of age. She has trouble socializing as it is, and I don’t need her having an Android being another obstacle since Apple users are dbags, especially kids. Anyway, I tried to set up parental controls

If our goal is that everyone should be able to work 40hrs with vacation time and benefits and be able to support a family (which is what our goal should be, IMO) then we probably have to accept that “listening to people name hamburgers and pressing the buttons for those hamburgers, then reading them back” is a job

I wonder if the content-makers are slowly realizing that they had a good thing going before, renting out their properties to Netflix for free money, and they blew it by trying to cut open the golden goose.

I think it’s possible to believe that Justin Roiland is a creep without misclassifying or smearing everyone who enjoys his work.

I follow a couple of writers for Rick & Morty on Twitter, and their reactions to this morning’s THR article are basically: