
I honestly doubt the team/developers that GM is working with are the same ones that work on Android Auto. Google is very good as stabbing itself in the back.

Not sure how grim it is when there was always going to be a die down after the initial launch when Threads was the hot topic of conversation. It is likely settling into its normal behavior pattern, at least for what it currently offers. There is a lot there missing from a true Twitter competitor. I think Zuck is

That is a huge part of it. The reason Parlor and Truth and I forgot what else failed was because deep down, conservatives want a place to harass normal rational people so they can feel good about themselves. By opening the flood gates on Twitter, they got what they always wanted. 

Or, you can just save your money and hate watch when it comes on tv.

Zero issues with my transition. 4 TVs plus phone app was pretty seamless. Only had one of them prompt me to sign back in. 

It makes zero sense. Author should have taken a few seconds to understand the difference between watching Youtube TV and Youtube on TV.

I am happy for him. It felt like Hollywood forgot about him for a large stretch of the 2000s so I am 100% behind him cashing in now.

If the country elects a majority to congress of one party, then yes that party should be able to pass and undo laws as it sees fit.
I get the fear of what republicans would do if in charge, however I think part of the reason why the republican party in it’s current form has not been wiped from the political map is

This feels like a whole like of effort for very little return. Likely means the 15 Pro is just going to end up being a 14 Pro S.

Context is important. That context was provided in the article above. You can ignore it if you want, thats your choice.

Or...maybe hear me out....she actually stands for what she believes in.

When you are building your next generation of hardware, you sometimes have to chose between making the new product as advanced as possible and limiting it for compatibility. Considering the user base of the PSVR 1 was extremely low, I can completely understand why they went with the first option.
Also, it is still an

The thing that has stood out to me throughout this is the level of disdain he seems to hold towards Twitter employees. 

I am shocked that this has to be said on a tech site, but HD has never meant 4k. I guess a manufacturers of monitors have been misleading all this time using the term Full HD to mean 1080p resolution.

Buy a new phone? Why are you lying. Even if you were half lying, you can get a manufacture replacement within a year.

Screen durability has been greatly improved. I had mine for a year before the screen protector got a very tiny bubble on it. I took the screen protector off and it has been fine since. I actually prefer it without the protector. I also play games on the big screen all the time, and never felt like I was damaging it.

Everyone knows Batman. It isn’t difficult for the general audience to understand a new character who is inspired by them.

Understand? No not difficult. But the general audience has to care in order for the movie to make money. There is a proven track record to show that people do not care about Batman adjacent movies

Michael Keaton has not been Batman in over 30 years, that is not what I mean by established. What I mean is you take an existing and current Batman franchise and you introduce the character, then work them into a spin off. That is a common sense way to have a successful launch.

That is not due to a recall, just Samsung having a janky process for replacing the protector, including not supplying their “official” repair centers with actual protectors or the tools to apply them correctly. What this as led to is people unable to get their screen protectors re-applied in person so they have to

Thank You. Batgirl is a great complimentary character, but not a lead. Giving her a movie without even having introduced her along side an established Batman was a terrible idea. Yes as bad as Morbius.