
That tweet doesn’t prove what you think it proves. It only proves that they should’ve canned those films as well.

Counterpoint: any app that has the algorithm and data collection that TikTok has probably should be considered a national security threat when it’s owned and run by a government, no matter who the government is.

Presumably it existed in the wild and jumped species, just like covid. It’s literally how most of the diseases that still plague us come from.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Glorify the criminal lifestyle, and admit to various crimes in your “art”, don’t be surprised when you’re sitting in a prison. Also, being held in contempt for disrupting a preceding in a court room is normal. 

Another slideshow that should have been an article. The Pixel Watch has:

That sounds more like perks of who you are best buds with. Be friends with Tony, you get an awesome tropical secret lab. Be friends with Steve and you get a bad credit score.

Here’s the thing, and no disrespect intended, but you and most of the people this site caters for are not representative of the general population. Most people didn’t and couldn’t care less about Batgirl, movie or TV show.

I knew that Halores wasn’t making so many Calebs just because OG Dolores and Maeve liked him. After last week episode it became clear she does it because she wants to understand outliers and what meeting them does to her hosts. Even though she always had this answer. This is exactly why Teddy killed himself after what

The tech does what it needs to do like in any fictional story. All the blind spots are plot demanded. Still, I’m not sure the metal detectors would really help. X-ray machine though...

I actually found this one of the more entertaining episodes this season - I guess because now I see where all the story line pieces fit. I actually did a little clap when Christina stopped her boss mid-sentence, and went:

The use of these kinds of glasses for things like walking directions, translating, guided instructional tutorials, etc is a great idea. They don’t need to record videos and take pictures to do that.

Welcome to new McDonald. Menu now has only fries. Also fries uncooked. Also uncut and unpeeled and not fries.

Dark colors absorb more solar radiation.

That would be "idjit".

A Jared cameo would be nice, but I want a scene where Jim Beaver’s character dresses down Soldier Boy for being an idiot. 

The idea that violence toward trans women is connected to a toxic desire for them is messed up and doesn’t protect anyone. It’s possible to just hate people because you’re horrible.

You can do that Android as NFC is not restricted on Android devices.

I think that’s a fait accompli, and getting his favorite platform back would certainly grease the wheels for a return to power in 2025.

But who are the Sinister Six even supposed to be fighting in Sony Picture’s Universe of Marvel Characters? And why are the SPUMC anti-heroes being called sinister anyway, if they are constantly saving the day from actual ne’er-do-wells?

You completely missed the point. I’m not just talking about THIS review, and I’m not saying the author never mentions important things.