
Android fanboys are insufferable. I don’t have a particular ‘side’ I prefer (although right now I’ve got a Samsung Fold 3). But I find this review more negative than the iPhone 13 Pro review without offering a reason for the difference—which plays into those fanboys’ complaints.

Basically any phone released in the past 5 years is “too much” for 99% of people’s usage.

Why does Gizmodo let people review products they don’t want to like? Nobody here wants to read this review to find out if this is a big phone, nobody came here for your opinion on big phones. Anyone reading this wants to know: Is this big phone any good? It’s like a PlayStation fanboy reviewing a new Xbox and

In 2 years when the iPhone finally adds all the same features, they’ll declare it a mold-breaking innovation.

These reviews are maddening.

“The whole thing just felt tone-deaf and super awkward.”

The problem with your comment is that it flies too far over the heads of the people it is directed at.

I have 3 questions:

He’s gonna get the blaster version of the codpiece gun that Tom Savini had in From Dusk Til Dawn

Additionally, Respeecher may be able to de-age voices, in that it can make someone old sound younger.

Uh, middle fingers to the post author?

What’s the difference? While the others weren’t ideal either, Ms. Palin has a confirmed positive COVID-19 test, which means she is almost certainly contagious to those who are around her.

Even this you guys make a slideshow? Good god, man. 

You’re giving far too generous (and literal) an interpretation of what he was trying to convey.

Fitting, as it seems that the only people who listen to Joe Rogan’s podcast are dudes who peaked in high school

Ahh yes, the really privileged people are the ones who owe money for college. Nice try, Mr. Great lakes.

“However, during most of the year, not all our power plants are running all the time. That argument that they’re saying about strengthening the grid really rests on if [miners] are willing to be flexible.”

I mean, this isn’t a surprise, and it’s not about price point- it’s about reliability. There are a lot of moving parts, and I expect this probably isn’t the sort of thing that keeps functioning for very long without regular maintenance. Probably the actors get the prop for their shift, and when they hand it back in at

Better start chopping down forests. I’d wager wind slows down blowing through trees too. God this is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. 

It should be illegal for any non-individual entity to own a single family property. Fuck these corporations for trying to price gouge people on one of the cornerstones of basic human existence.