
Die Hard came out in 1988, super soakers went to market in 1989, and orange caps on toy guns weren’t required until 1992. There is absolutely no excuse for cops killing us now over orange-tipped toy guns, but this is what my cap pistol looked liked in the 80s.  It’s plausible he thought it was a real gun. 

I don’t know. Harry Ellis brought the magic snow on Christmas Eve.

Let’s just hope he didn’t kill any more kids!

“She deserves a level of grace...”? No she doesn’t! And stop turning her stipidity, fame-seeking and self-loathing into some kind of black feminist or black women being attacked thing. Personally I’m more concerned about what’s going on inside of her head than the hair on top.

Eh, The Root got a little too much mileage out of this shitshow to start moralizing at folks now. You weren’t turning away those clicks.  

Well said.

And word on a return of Tori Scott?

Both sides-ism isn’t a good look on you.

Pelosi was bitter, and mad and standing on principle, and I can tell you this as someone who has gone hungry on many nights as a teen: a honeybun on the table now beats the promise of a steak tomorrow.

So if you know it is not Nancy’s fault why are you mentioning her? For real this shit is as tired as it gets. Her caucus did their job and Moscow Mitch won’t pass a fucking bill. You do know how government works right. Blame all the fucking Red states that seem to send the same soulless sacks of shit back to the

I’m not really one to promote conspiracy theories but look up hammer and scorecard.”

This is our reality now. Real-time gaslighting and the propagation of conspiracy theories in the name of keeping people informed and up-to-date on important issues. I don’t see how we move forward as a country without bringing the Q

Listen here, heifer (so rare to converse with a cow), I promise that it was a slide show when I commented. At least on my end. This is even the first time I’ve complained about that format and now I look like a crazy person (I might be, but not because of this).

This just means there is a very big chance Sony is going to release their OWN colored side panels themselves, even if they say they aren’t.

Yeah and that’s why their reviews are garbage. Unless you are doing all phones on an equal scale then what is the point? Oh you are comparing it to all the other iphones. Obviously it’s perfect cause all you are doing is comparing it to iphones. “Wow my top model mercedes car is amazing compared to all the other

My point went right over your head. Whether you go along with the 2020 stuff. (my opinion I don’t need the jack anymore but I sure want a microsd cause phones don’t have enough storage). But that is beside the point. The point I was making if you go look at the pixel 5 review. They say cons: no headphone jack, no

Interesting. So that’s why we get an “iPhone is near perfect” review every year. 

I’ve pointed this out before, and their response is that different people review different phones, so Caitlin only reviews iPhones and others review Androids.  Which is kind of bullshit for a site that does “reviews.”

Yep this is spot on, Gizmodo being biased with apple hardware as always.

Near perfect...except:
-No 120hz display
- Notch design that was a compromise 3 years ago and has received no design update to make it more palatable.
-Pictures that in some cases are actually worse than last years Pro.

The biggest change is the design which isn’t even a new one. Granted I was a fan of the flat

Funny how you give iphone a free pass on stuff you complain about with other phones. No fast refresh screen, mediocre battery size, No microSD card slot or headphone jack. Talk about double standards. So not the perfect phone.