
“It’s not a moustache. On my world it means May Any Resident Truly Honour Anyone.”

And personally I think the funniest shyt is dogs with really human names. My girl is named Charlotte. My boy just passed away, but when I get another boy his name will be Bruce.

my cat’s name is Rory, because I’m a nerd who loves Doctor Who and when my cat was still a baby it looked like he had a red mustache. The actor Arthur Darvil was on Doctor Who for a few years and has a similar mustache, hence I named my cat after his character. I feel more like a nerd after explaining that. oh well,

This is like the time me and some buddies were driving down to Buffalo to see a Sabres game. We all met up at my buddy Aidan’s house and we were about to get in the car and, with it clearly in sight, I called Shotgun. Clear rules, right?

If anything the Bills should have been penalized five yards for being too slow.

This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.

Dear White Grey’s

I don’t like to think of it as lazy. It just likes to go its own direction.

What a lazy joke.

While she’s entitled to her opinion, it’s safe to say I don’t see eye to eyes with Miss Sanders.

“his client was just trying to de-escalate the situation with the driver”

It’s been a long while since we’ve had a good old fashioned Jesus Diaz-style Apple-fellating. Now with extra ball cuppage. Thanks for bringing it back.

But without water resistance I won’t be able to throw the phone in the dishwasher whenever it gets dirty.

Might I recommend this next time then?:

That said, I am a shitty friend. Just not GRRM’s.

someone who knows, GRRM

Ads are based on your personal browsing history, friendo.

Why the fuck does her friend think she’d profit from the sex-tape too?

Dude got suckered into a job he never wanted. In his mind, billions of dollars are flying by everyday that SHOULD HAVE BEEN HIS, but he got stuck with this stupid presidency in this shitty old house that doesn’t have gold-leaf anything. Doesn’t get to start his network with Rupert Murdoch until at least 2020, if he

This sort of shit is just proof positive that, far from being a man of even reprehensible (racist/jingoistic) principles, Trump is a man of absolutely no principle, who will do or say anything in order to curry favor with the largest number of people possible at a given point in time.

This dude bends with the breeze