
“Im not a racist i just want to pay less taxes. So what if i have to elect a racist who will mostly lower the tax burden on the obscenely wealthy while taking away healthcare for the poor. That extra $5/mo i save in taxes is goddamn worth it”

So you clearly understood my point. You just want to make me look like a jack-ass for not perfectly expressing my point with exactly the right phrasing?

1. Maybe because he honestly wanted to talk with Sharpton about how he could craft a more effective message. He never asked for an endorsement, or a joint photo-op, thats 100% your invention.

No attempts to connect on a personal level which is such a difference between him and the Clintons, Obama, Biden etc. Relationships matter.

Clinton won black women for many reasons, but here are a few:

You have dominion over your property. You can either decide to offer business, services, or goods to the general public. Or you can be racist and NOT. Your choice. There are federal anti-discrimination laws. If you do business, you cannot discriminate based on race or gender.

You appear to be confusing the idea of owning property for personal use that might include letting someone borrow it and owning property for commercial use that you hold out to the public as generally available to anyone who wishes to use it provided they pay you a fee.

The pre-fuck you is in effect for the “Why Did He Run” justify team. Running away doesn’t justify getting shot in the back and the ass, GTFO with that weak shit.

Yes, how dare she try to be hygienic when feeding children with an immunodeficiency virus.

Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been

Yeah, I know. I was trying to do some Trumpsplainin.

It could be fake. It could be real. A lot of people say it’s real. I don’t know. If you don’t see it a the exact moment, you can’t say for sure. No one really knows if this is fake or not.

This white person would hang a jury if he thought they were going to acquit unjustly. Which is most often the case.

David Spade is just sitting there thinking “I just came on here to promote Joe Dirt”

You’re scenario is flawed. You would get a $40 echo dot to be your home assistant if you are going to replace the speaker anyway.

What’s the current Vice President of the United States got to do with this?

When the officer asked Tiger where he was coming from he probably should have come up with something a little more believable than golfing.