
None of what you are saying sounds factual. A recall over a plastic screen protector???? How would that even make sense? It is a screen protector, none of them stay on much longer than a year without some sign of bubbling. 
Also removing it does not void the warranty. Samsung has stated that multiple times. You can

Can we please stop acting like anyone cared about Batgirl until it was cancelled? Batgirl testing about the same as Shazam means very little when Shazam is an existing successful property with ties to the bigger DCEU story. Batgirl is not integral to the DCEU and if it was bad, which everything pointed to it being,

Not only does she not have ownership, but she had no hand in writing or producing the song. It was initially meant for Brittney Spears but her team rejected it so The Neptunes used it for Kelis instead. So there was no swindling and Kelis is fully aware of that fact which is why she is saying this now instead of

and for me the biggest laugh came when the team of five rebels fight off an alleged streetful of presumably stronger-than-human hosts

They were clearly humans. I am not even sure how you could watch this season and come to the conclusion that those were hosts.

This article reads like it was written by someone stuck in their early 20s. 

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but children are thinking and talking about sex very early on. Sticking our heads in the sand and acting like that is not the case is unproductive.
So conservative attempts to “protect” them from certain aspects of sexuality are only working to make any child who feels

Not a single mention of the fact that this can’t support multiple external displays? 

And why isn’t the EU going after Google Pay?
NFC in Android isnt locked down. This is strictly an Apple issue.

I am not sure this is a solution here. Ad revenue is one problem, however the biggest reason news is toxic now is because of the corporate ownership. Subscription revenue is just another figure on their balance sheet. As long as news outlets have to answer to a board room full of wealthy individuals whose only concern

“Nah, that’s not what Dave said/meant” followed by literally nothing at all is not a compelling defense here.

I showed you a trans writer who actually watched his special, and you dismissed her! What the fuck do you want?

As for context and the narrative that is out there, here is a trans writer who actually watched the special, and describes at as essentially hack transphobia. What about this is inaccurate?

I think there is a conversation to be had on his special, but the narrative that has been put out there and ran with is not at all accurate to what he said.
The outrage and attempt to force Netflix to remove his special is exactly the issue he was addressing. 

Considering the video of the incident exists, this post should probably be updated. Especially considering a large portion of this post focuses on not having all the information presented initially.

While the video does not give the whole story, it is hard not to see the patrons were the aggressor. On top of that,

I get the feeling she had the intro written before the watch was actually unveiled.

Samsung played it safe with the design of the Galaxy Watch 4 and the Watch 4 Classic. Both are dead ringers for their respective predecessors, the Galaxy Watch Active 2 and the Galaxy Watch 3.

You can hate the idea of what Branson and Bezos are doing, but that doesn’t mean you need to discount or minimize what was accomplished. 

Some All of this might have to do with the fact that the voting machine company Smartmatic filed a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News Media for spreading Trump’s bullshit claims about election fraud. Fox News responded to the claims in April, noting that the case should be dismissed.”

In the event they directly said all of Google’s orginal apps will have watch versions so that would include both Messenger and Assistant.
This is going to be Wear OS, with Samsung adding its own layer on top so I am expecting you would get everything you would get with Wear OS, just some additional Samsung features.

Some people will bend over backwards to avoid saying anything that could come off as criticism of Apple. Everyone knows why they left the hole out. We also know that these will sell like crazy, as will the accessories, justifying the decision.