
“The iPhone 12's new MagSafe charging is a marquee feature, but there’s one thing no one ever mentions: Separating the phone from a charger isn’t effortless, which means when you reach for the device and forget it’s being charged, you can yank the cable a little too hard.”
So a solution to a problem (wired charging)

Would you be referring to him as “Homeboy” if he was white?

Like I said, I get the narrative you want to push. If you feel the need to cherry pick certain aspects of the NOI, and ignore the reasons why so many black people in poor neglected, crime ridden areas gravitated to them in the 80s and 90s, that is your choice to do.

I see Ralph Northram constantly brought up in comparison but that argument ignores a huge difference. Northram’s controversy was something decades in his past. His recent history and governing record showed no signs of bias which was how he was able to ride it out. Cuomo’s controversy is within his current job. Not to

I personally would prefer it if the elected members of our government were not assholes, even those on our side, but apparently the majority of New Yorkers feel differently; and it’s their call, not mine.

The issue with that kind of thinking is that it takes resp0nsibility away from Cuomo. Anonymous people being

So, if you are good at your job, you can be Anti-Semitic and call white people devils

Trump was president. White is a city councilman. He is good at his job, and has had a positive effect on his constituents. I would not vote for him to be mayor or anything higher, but he is doing a lot of good where he is at. If Trump was anywhere near good at his job, most people would care less about the ignorant

The reason he is still representing the people of Ward 8 in DC is because he fights for the people in his ward. He has done a ton of good for the poor disadvantaged people in his area who otherwise have no voice in the local government. His statement was extremely ignorant, but why he was elected was because he was

I understand that anytime a person says they feel taken advantage of or victimized in some way, we should take them seriously. Sometimes though, their perspective is just that...their perspective. A person’s perspective does not always equal the facts of a situation. We should be able to say that without being accused

How can you write an post shaming everyone for not leaving Tessica Brown alone, and within that post link to 5 different articles about her from The Root, all written within the last week and change. Maybe this should have been an internal memo.

Curious as to why this article turned into an HBO Max hit piece when nothing indicates that NBC is even talking with HBO about this.

I am shocked it took this long for either Amazon or Google to develop something like this. The most obvious application is to have something mounted by your entrance way. You could use it to talk to the person at your door. You use it to view your commute before you head out the door. You could also use it when you

I am happy that Trump is gone and I don’t mind Biden as president...but this piece does not hit the way I think it was intended, at least not for me.
This comes off more as politics as usual with Clyburn in the middle of it.

People just wanted someone to beat Trump and we were in the middle of a primary that had no

For the record, I actually liked Man of Steel. I don’t know if I would call it “grimdark” but it was definitely a story that could be connected to Nolan’s story, which at that time was not a bad thing. I also liked Superman Returns so there’s that.
I think the issue with a Superman film has always been the reality that

I have had 2 Fire Stick 4Ks since they first came out and the Fire TV 4k (Whichever is the square shaped dongle) for longer than that. I have never had any major issues like what you are describing. My biggest gripe with it has just been the slow navigation through the UI.
I switched a couple TVs over to Chromecast

Seems likely that Sony is planning to put out it’s own colored panels or at least wants to license them out to 3rd party makers. Otherwise they wouldn’t be so easy to remove. Kind of silly to assume just from this one situation that they will never be available.

It is such a cop out. Almost any other respected site has the same person or group of people reviewing the same category of products so that you can actually use their opinion as a comparison. This allows them to dump a garbage review like this and you can’t really complain because all she reviews are Apple products,

Near perfect...except:
-No 120hz display
- Notch design that was a compromise 3 years ago and has received no design update to make it more palatable.
-Pictures that in some cases are actually worse than last years Pro.

The biggest change is the design which isn’t even a new one. Granted I was a fan of the flat

I don’t understand how this article is framing it as the fault of Youtube TV. Granted we don’t know the details, so it is possible that it is YTTVs fault but the article isn’t even attempting to talk about Sinclair charging higher rights fees.
YTTV and any streaming service or even cable service is run for a profit.

Just saw Justice should never review movies again.