
Why is minding one’s damn business hard? I mean really. If you’re not paying for it or it isn’t impacting you, why the hell should you care?

Maybe it really is time we stop giving white people who seek to weaponize the police against Black people cutesy little nicknames like “BBQ Becky” or “Central Park Karen.”

I think you’re missing the point of living her life her way and chasing her dream. It was never about the book.

Star for including the Fiero :) I am building up my version of the perfect sports car with a Fiero running a K20. Once that is done all that is left to improve are the: steering, brakes, suspension, and interior!

No no no. The specific frequency of the bridge is what will kill the monster/alien/robot. So it will have to be lured near the bridge, but of course it will be a calm day and they will have to come up with a way to artificially generate wind and get the bridge a-wailing. 

If Hollywood has taught me anything, the next action movie will feature a monster/alien/meteor/tornado/huge mechanical robot that specifically targets the bridge because of the noise.

I too don’t understand why this never went into production (at least as a supercar). The styling was so far ahead of anything out at the time. there had to be a reason like “we couldn’t pass safety standards with this frame and shell” or something. Probably one of the few cars I lusted after as a kid and I really hate

So not only is Musk a Covid denier, he’s openly fucking over all of the Tesla employees in California with this trumpish rage tweeting. Can you imagine what those people feel like reading this stuff? It is shockingly oblivious and totally insensitive of him to pull this crap.  He obviously doesn’t care about his

Yes Elon, throw away millions of dollars you invested in a factory in order to spite California for *checks notes* taking a deadly global pandemic seriously.  That’ll really own the libs and keep the investors happy!

how dare you mention the most newsworthy thing that Musk has done since he got high in a TV interview?

How so?

Most of the nurses tending to your care are also unionized.

The deal was for 80,000 ventilators, putting the cost of those ventilators at $12,500 each. That’s a pretty competitive price given the market price for ventilators is $10,000 to $50000 each.

It’s much better than seeing nothing at all because you don’t have a ventilator.

Dunno, it's good work, but the internet commentariat will shout BORING one way, and TOO BUSY the other. I like that Honda is making a wild Civic. At least it doesn't have a whale mouth.

These saved my life in 1990. A drunk driver trying to make an offramp sent me into them at ~50mph in a flimsy Rabbit GTI. It was the ONE time in my life I was driving without a seatbelt. We were all seriously bruised up but fine.

This hot take brought to you by the same website that ran a piece entitled “Safari All The Cars”:

Im with you, but this aint right

Nah, they had SUV first, they can keep it. Call the new things TSWs - Tall Station Wagons. I realize crossover exists, don’t care, TSWs.

Not a bad analogy. Maybe some classic work boots too.