
Exactly. It’s largely the same car with some performance bits and new interior and bodywork. Being a “special limited edition” is worth something, but not a nearly 10x multiplier on the sticker price.

Retouched or not that’s a lot of scratch for a car that debuted for under $70k, over a decade ago...

This. The people bitching on twitter aren’t the people that can afford these cars. Those people have good jobs and little free time to complain to internet about things that don’t matter.

I’d be more interested in how many people who preordered the vehicle even have an intention to buy it at all. It’s a refundable $100 deposit and you know over 250,000 people are not buying it. The preorders will be meaningless. It’s just so you can tell your friends you are getting a Tesla truck and when the time

Ya don’t have to do residency to be an engineer bro, this isn’t the medical field. Source: am engineer and never did a residency.

He took the same calculus and diff eq as any other engineer...not that this is particularly complex math. What does his experience have to do with basic geometry and vectors?

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter, sir!

The franchise isn’t exhausted, so much as it keeps trying to rehash its glory days instead of doing something new.

The example in the gif/video is during what appears to be typical daylight.

Like, EXACTLY. They threw a couch in Pilot’s chamber and called it a day. This is not a complaint from me.

That set looks like the inside of Moya from Farscape.

Goddamn that is a sweet looking race car.

Track owners have renamed that portion of the course, Schadenfreude Corner.

If you read the article by Robb (who knows the ‘Ring better than most people currently alive on this planet) it wasn’t “Tesla can’t do this,” it was “Tesla should take time and do this right because the track is on another level.”

Nah its the internet. 

Robb, is it weird to have a bunch of internet d-bags assume you know very little about the subject that you’re actually an expert in?

Did you actually read the first sentence or just the headline?

Its a common tactic taken by authoritarian organizations.

And they shouldn't care. Crying wolf works for a while, but in a few months time, people will forget nascar ever advertised guns. 

It’s extremely frustrating how if anyone takes any stance on firearms other than completely unfettered access to every firearm ever conceived, you are “ANTI-GUN.”