
Making minivans cool is the first step to getting people to buy them in droves again.  The TJ Cruiser is definitely a step in that direction.

I don’t know if it is the reason for the crossovers taking over the world, but I did notice similar proportions on the Mazda 6 and liked the car asthetically, but also felt uneasy because it seemed like it was living a lie

This. Some CIA handler somewhere is pissed this got caught on camera. 

Straight lines are for fast cars. Turns are for fast drivers.

I really miss the Viper.

918 Spyder technology for 911 Turbo money...and also slower than a 911 Turbo and no more fuel efficient.

Or Hank Azeri dies,  because that wipes out a huge chunk of supporting cast 

Sure, it makes sense.

Still it needs to be running for the exploit to take place, no? I’ll wait till the patch comes through the update manager of my Linux distro. Almost don’t watch or listen to stuff with it anyway so, I don’t open it often.

the entire theater (myself included) sobbed throughout Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, and it looks like this might be a repeat of that... already got misty-eyed at the trailer. i’m excited for it, though :) .

Same, but it kinda got quashed by the recession. It was great in Forza 4, though.

I’m just glad they got him to come back. The only other voice I could hear doing Mufasa justice would be Keith David.

I honestly do not know if you can fit the Aurora V8 in the Fiero, however, but that would have been an awesome little machine.

I think they should have kept the overall theme and done some soft updating. The new one is overly generic. 

is quite well-loved, even after 57 years of service, since the Kennedy Administration.

Given Ford’s experience building cars with the engine behind the driver, and the new Corvette going that way at an “affordable” price (allegedly not much more than the current model), there’s no reason Ford can’t come up with a non-Mustang halo car below $100K.

side note.. I remember the vipers giving corvette all they wanted while they ran in same class in different organizations 

They could put the MKIV back on the market with minimal changes and people would still find something to bitch about it.

The NSX is an amazing vehicle.