
I think it’s quite revealing. Before this video, I would have never known that a world without cars looks like a seizure in a blender!

“You want fires with that?”

The IFO study, bizarrely, seems to advocate for natural gas-powered vehicles as a “transitioning” technology on the way to cars powered by hydrogen, which, sure, I guess, and “‘green’ methane,” a product which does not exist.

To be fair CGI professionals generally tend to use Vimeo for their portfolio pieces regardless; Vimeo’s video quality is noticeably above YouTube and these are the kind of people who would be inclined to care about that kind of thing.


This is part of why I’m glad Kia brought the Stinger to market. Before that, FCA didn’t really have competition in the affordable RWD sedan market (the G8 is dead, the SS had a much higer cost of entry, and the Caprice was police only.) I’m really hoping Dodge/Chrysler having some competition will motivate them to

The 300 SRT is one of those cars I always forget exists but when I see one, I’m suddenly reminded that I actually think they’re pretty cool.

The Impala rode on the W-body platform introduced in 1989 until 2010.

Wy fix what isn’t broken? Charger has beat all comers. Challenger is only outsold by Mustang. The L-cars are competitive or class-leading and sell better now than they have for most of their history. They platform might be a bit older, but it’s still good and it can still be upgraded/improved without throwing the whole

For the love of everything, as even this site has documented many, many times, the L-platform IS NOT AN MB PLATFORM. It uses some Mercedes parts and design elements, but it was designed by Chrysler for Chrysler.

Well, profit.

Pigs make one hell of a good daily driver :)

My favorite:

Couldn’t believe this thing slipped through my car knowledge when this video was released. Makes me think we need an article of the rarest and most obscure American cars... Hmmmmm

Also of note, that RWD conversion kit works on pretty much any K-framed Mopar of the era.

I don't care if the actual car was rubbish, it was a firm favourite in my matchbox car collection. 

Imagine a future where a cracked windshield costs $4000 to replace!

Although $3.3k is a lot of money it’s completely in line with current products on the market. Bikes with batteries are not cheap.

I like it, but I don’t love it.