
Actually that is the 3rd 2.5Gen Fiero. That car was designed as GM’s final nail in the Fiero coffin, after trying to kill the car for most of its 10 year run. They bascailly ordered Pontiac to make a 3rd Gen Fiero so ugly no one would want it. This after the 2nd Gen Fiero GT, easily one of the best looking cars to

This car will likely go to production if News of GM’s drive to get a Full AV on the road very soon (like 2019) is real. So they can not toss in loads of stuff that would not pass regs and caost unnecesary amouynts of money to do so in a car that will likely only be for a few more years. It is made from an exisiting

“Coming out swinging” is relative. Boutique brands are more like those quiet little makes you almost never know exist until you see the car. Even then its like seeing a unicorn. When was the last time you saw a Panoz, SSC, Mosler, “in the wild”?

1) If those VCs think he has a good idea, they will go for it. Lucid if a case that they are not looking to build a stand alone company. They actually WANT to be bought out by someone.

First, while still awfully convenient, your claim, truthful or not (largely irrelevant), of actually talking to people who worked there is much better than “I was near there so I know what happened there”.

“I lived/worked next to [ that place], so I know what is going on in there.” No. You read the same articles everyone else did about the company. That is how you know. That is the company that Chinese investors bought. The renamed the company from Fisker to Karma, and renamed the car Revero. Hendrick Fisker has washed

I have a warm spot in my heart for Fisker, just for trying. That said, I retain my “ let’s see what happens”. The Karma was NOT a bad looking car in any way. I like this new “E-motion” quite a bit.

Statistically it is no different. It only seems like manuals are safer because so relatively few people use them now. Add to that people driving stick often feel more capable than they really are and more dangerous act like they are better at driving than they think they are.

In most areas of the world, not matter how often and how hard you sell it, people do not buy “because emissions” (unless the sight of belching actual clouds of black smoke offends them) or “because F/econ” (unless fuel prices are higher than they can budget for and the peak tolerance for fuel prices in the US is VERY

Now if only Cadillac would capitalize on this and up their performance cred through racing, much like Mercedes, BMW, and Audi do. It would also lend credence to my assertion that the RMR “Corvette” I actually the long-overdue production version of the Cadillac Cien.

Nah. Seeing Rocket like that makes me think one day we won’t use CG creatures but build robots to play the roles.

Not complaining.

Grabber Blue

It’s like the cops aren’t even trying to take the perp alive anymore. Even if they winged him, he’d sill be alive.

It is getting harder and harder to tell real monster trucks from the RC Monster trucks. They are starting to all do the same stunts.

Should not be allowed to fire people in some position without two of three things being the case:

I can honestly say that the Aliens series has been on a roller coaster of a ride. I personally do not think it has been that bad. but “Alien Resurrection” was the weakest overall.

Dang Kinja Code is so buggy.

I meant 4.2L. Edit would not take.

Probably Cadillac’s 4.2L TT-V8 they meant to roll out in the now stillborn CT8 or CTS(CT5)-V. The engine was finished are ready to go, like the Omega platform (Buick Avenir). But Gm decided to sit on them for now. It seems this engine might be that engine’s “now”.