
Best Fake noises for a BEV:

Superman and Batman are a odd couple of cases that can easily wander into being “Gary Stus” without most people noticing. But Batman more often than not gets away with stuff he should not simply “because he’s Batman”, Superman at least has the explanation of his actual powers to hide behind.

[God Lord! that was awful! Editing.]

Yeah, My bad and Thanks.

Yewah its is what gives her her powers, but the more the stupidly easy to damage, lietally skin tight, can’t-wear-anything-underneath-it-or-it-won’t-work, outfit is damaged the less powerful it becomes. It does regnerate but it for “Emp” to be smarter. This does not become entirely apparent until Vol 8 or 9, I have

You can have a LGBTQ character in the lead and not make it a SJW clusterfuck of reverse hate. But you have an OP, non-white, not hetero, female character written by a writer, who is all those things, minus being OP, with an axe to grind against “the system”, making all that her raison d’etre,you end up with some very

“America” was not great story though. It was pure, uncut, unadorned, unapologetic  SJW-BS. It was so bad my local comic shop only carried the first two issues and almost dropped “The Ultimates” (OP Avengers in space) because people were reflexively hating on that book because America Chavez was in it.

Well, if that is not a metaphor for “imminent domain”...

Same concept. But yeah . My mistake.

This could go two ways.

I miss my “Millennium Falcon”.

Real close to Stefan Schulze’s Pantera design...


Sorry, a correction...

One or the other. But thank, you all the same.

To be fair, at a glance, I thought the was part Hispanic/Latino.

If the past looks like the future except it works better, then why does a 1983 Dodge Caravan have better build quality than a 2016 Tesla Model S?

Where are you getting that from? From Scratch? It seems much more likely that they are using an existing engine and amping it up. Whose Engine exactly is unclear. But there have been Numerous examples of a supercar maker taking someone elses engine and modded it to be basically their own engine.

I would really have liked to see Sallen finally bring the S5S Raptor to production, even if under a new name.

Are you saying I’m not a car enthusiast because I want my performance cars to be “RICE’d all to hell” from the dealer’s lot?