
Z or ZX?

I got a new one.

I’m sure if it was only $200K or less new, and one of hundreds or thousands, about the same frequency as a Ferrari or Lamborghini, no one would care unless this dude was badly injured. After all, he is a musician not a even a highly accomplished amateur driver.

We can chalk it up to American-style “bump and grind” racing. That and Ferrari drivers are a touch more vicious than normally considered.

It looks almost deliberate.

You are too busy praying to God you don’t die, to be either afraid or brave.

It is weird. There is no cannon?

Correction: “[Assuming] that FCA suddenly, actually gave a shit about not making the absolute worst built cars of any major OEM...”

I’m thinking of a speed bump, a fairly severe one, set well before the stop sign, but not so far that the driver has a chance to really get back up to speed.

I like how at the end the post it withdrawn as if to say “Bitch please”.

It never takes much ti invest in it and quickly start getting results. That defeatist attitude that “because it has not happened MUST invariably mean it can not happen” is not so.

I really liked the LH cars. The 300M was the best, but I was looking forward to the 1999 Charger concept, which had been green lit until Chrysler signed on with Daimler. A RWD evolution of the LH. Actually a RWD conversion for the LH. But THIS was the direction they wanted to go in until those danged Germans.

FCA does have the money. It does not take much to refocus on quality first. Product can come a bit later. Throwing good money at deliberately building a bad car, like the Drat, does not eat nearly as much money as doing it right in the first place or fixing the problem quickly after launch will make the company. And a


Chrysler is not so much “disappointing”, as that is not nearly a strong enough word for what has become of Chrysler, but “tragic”, in that they have been plagued by one bad decision after another, certainly since the late 1970s.

No, it was Q.

“I’m not stopping! I’m the Juggernaut, BITCH!”

Not a deal breaker, but the Model 3 looks a stubby compared the Model S.

Which in turn, ends up in the hands of local, small town police forces, that won’t use them properly.

Did not read the other responses first, did you?