
Is this the Cars equivalent of body enhancements like cybernetic limbs, performance enhancing drugs, cosmetic surgery, or something more? He’s artificially enhancing himself in order to rise above his genetics, his own sense of self, to compete. This is almost darker to contemplate than that initial trailer.

NOT READY! Go back to the lab.

It is a good start. Butteh price is a deal breaker. Get itdown around that of a ZR-1, about $130K, and you won’t be able to make them to sell them fast enough.

Crazy is cool. But I would not buy it. Maybe if I was making a deliberately cheesy Sci-fi movie or TV show. Maybe.

NO points awarded. Still a pretty cool, if crazy, truck.

There is no silver lining. It is only polished Tin foil. Now let it drop.

To be honest if GM/Chevy is going to do s RMR Corvette, The Camaro is the reason why. They are just a few “Let’s do it” jumps in chassis design to making a fully modern IRS version of the Gen 3 and Gen 4 F-Body, a 2+2 American GT car. I would assume weighing in under 3400lbs, under 3200 would be asking too much

You do understand the Crown Victoria was discontinued after 30+ years of production, right? The only, point for point, equivalent car available to day is the Dodge Charger. And then there was Carbon motors that attempted to produce and sell a specifically made police car, the E7.Not even the broader switch to SUVs is

The Skull, traditionally denoting death, or one that kills others, is a bad move for any organization meaning to do good.

The Flag was not enough...

While there is nothing to currently to really prevent FCA/Chrysler from keeping V6 and V8 engines ( I would push hard for a properly all new V8, and up grading the V6), there is literally no good excuse for diving into Turbo-4s.

Yeah they usually have a landing ramp for safety, driver survival, and so the car is not TOTALLY in the end.

I’m just going to say this about the Tigershark engine:

WEll, you can say teh retort given was essentially “I will FIGHT your racism right here right now! You’re going down!!”

I’m mostly retired from MARVEL Comics, so I have not been following as closely as I used to. That does not mean I am not familiar with their arcs, though the “Infamous Iron Man” seems like it would have been a good read, if I had not read its like years ago. Seemingly every time these companies think they are coming

Like Doctor Doom, Black Adam is a very dark anti-hero. You could loosely define both of them as “Chaotic Neutral”. They are going to do what they are going to do. But both have codes they adhere to, that they rearely if ever violate, but are still plenty complicated for the typical goodie-goods out there. Such codes

(as they appear, from left to right)

If I gather you meaning, the light blue, blue and white, guy who teleported is a version of Mirage, the Autobot spy.

Like a lot of Daimler-Chrysler or Cerberus era models, it was a good idea, but done badly. This was due largely to either Daimler or Cerberus trying to make Chrysler as cheap as possible to fulfill their goals and not those of Chrysler, which walking into this morass is what led them to those points and having to have

Don’t both. Roger Smith has got it covered.