
Headcanon: A clear rift will become drawn between the originals and their successors. Some will be revelatory, like everyone finally figures out Steve Rogers is a Hydra agent, others will be based on age or philosophy, Other what they have been or could/will become. Some for the good. Others for the worser. The

Even if “For Honor” does not become “CoD with swords”, in terms of popularity, I can see succeeding games be precisely “CoD with swords”, a game everyone has to emulate and/or surpass. This could really be a new sub-genre, Massive multi-player Online First Person Melee (MMOFPM), in the making.

It does not make it right. But we were talking about women characters, were we not?

Wow. You really don’t get it, do you? There is a taint to sex working. THAT IS WHY THEY DID IT, YOU MORON!

Sounds like the noises a kid pretending to drive a car would make.

Spine. What is Spine? Abbott’s spine is... broken.

’Pubs don’t get it becasue it reminds them of how far they have fallen.

Seen the Invisible Woman...?

Agreed. Being a genetically remastered version of the perfect human-shaped killing machine, programmed and trained to be a weapon first, a living, feeling, being last, is edgy enough without the taint of being a whore, as well.

Name some names, bub.

Is this any different from Spider-Woman, Polaris, all the young to very young “spider girls”, Super Girl, Wonder Girl, the LIST GOES WAY ON...

“I hope that the film shows Trump how American soldiers will face a humiliating defeat if they attack Iran,” Farhad Azima, the film’s director, told Reuters in an interview. “Hollywood has created many films against Iran; There are many computer games in which US soldiers conquer our country. We made this film as

Kellyanne Conway = Pod person or Stepford Wife. You decide.

These instances seem more like deliberate acts of aggression, programmed by RockSstar, and not glitches. A LOT of these cars are going WAY out of their way to impede, interfere, and straight try to wreck you. Even if you are driving nice and normal, or even just parked out of the way otherwise totally legal like, the

If so, then the driving AI needs serious tweaking so it does not “panic” or go “vigilante” on you.


Just make Opel and Buick one brand sold under different names in varying countries. China and the US? It’s Buick . The EU and parts about? It is Opel.

Books? Dafuq?! This is not MIB where Will Smith shot the target dummy little girl because she had a Quantum Physic text book, in a dark alley full of alien monsters.

“I am groot...”

I wouldn’t call it Nerfing, though I see where you are going. Your argument is confusing because it misunderstands or ignores examples given. You are hung up on your Porsche analogy, while the closer one is FORD as FORD makes more roughly analogous vehicles. This is what is confusing. The particulars of the vehicles