
That is an easy error to make. It look s so much like what we think a Pantera looks like, until we actually look at one. The AMX/3 was supposed to be the much more cost effective revision of the AMX/2, and go head to head, in the market, versus the Corvette.

At this point, I feel like new Star Wars movies are these rituals I really don’t want to partake in but have to in order to keep my “nerd card”. I don’t feel like I’m seeing anything I HAVE TO SEE. That is just me.

C6 Corvette Zo6, after the Viper was updated following that humiliating show up versus the first version of the Viper T/A, The Viper straightened up hugely and the Corvette really falls short of the Viper in most areas. The C7 Corvette is comfier and costs less, two thing FCA/Dodge really should have worked on, but

Porsche. My bad.

I sorely dislike the Escala. It does not even look like a Cadillac. more like a Audi made by Cadillac and the is NOT a good thing. And if you like the Escala for that, you don’t actually like Cadillac.

Could have just doubled down on the prelude. I was surprised they did bring it back as a lower cost S2000, RWD and all. Especially when they canned the S2000 proper.


I still think if AMC had just lopped off what wasn’t working and doubled down on The AMX cars, with Spirits running the entry point, grown back out from there, then AMC might still be around today.

As a total package, taking everything in consideration, NOTHING was Cheaper, Faster, Comfier, and Better at what it did, than the Viper. You could pay less and get a comfier car, but it would not be fast or better at being a sports car than the Viper. You could pay more, usually several times more, to get a car that

Inexpensive, Small or compact RMR sport coupes? Yes, I lament all of them.

But would cost like Prosche.

It is a very cool looking machine. Very honest about where S/CUVs are going.

The 2007 Lincoln MKR, Their “CTS”,the “Hot Rod” Lincoln they very seriously should have put to production, and the straight up excuse NOT to build dressed up Fords anymore.

So? There haven’t been any big new V8 engines a couple of years. Companies are are working less and less on them, so new ones don’t come very often anymore. Keep in mind Ward’s usually favors the newest engines. The last new V8 I think was the Ford Voodoo, preceded by the GM LT1 and LT4, the Chrysler Hellcat, then the

It would be wiser to put him on trial. Even someone as relatively unliked and/or unlikeable as Trump, will have his ardent and sincere followers. Martyring him would only encourage other villains and frauds to step up. Further an actual trial would bring a LOT to light about Trump that should have disqualified him

Trump isn’t actually president yet. None of the Pubs really has to stand up against him yet. Dems are, more than anything, recovering and reorganizing after the election, but also lining up their efforts to block or moderate Trump and Pubs going forward.

Sharing American Military secrets, designs for weapons an vehicles,with a country that is more our enemy than China is our frenemy, would be a direct breach of national security. No matter how brown their noses, the Republicans in the Congress would have to impeach Trump. As it is he is already skirting some very

Which would be treason and grounds to impeach him and imprison him pretty much out of hand.

It’s not just “lefties”. Everything that Trump has doen , said he’d do, and set up to do, is aimed at summarily tearing apart EVERYTHING in America. there is no great plan to make America “great” again. Trump is the personification of Neo-liberalism, the rich get everything and everyone else can just eat rocks, and