
I guess we finally learn Dom is a time displaced Riddick, right?

I wished we were truly DOOMed...

Trump doesn’t actually want to be president does he? I mean, he is doing seemingly everything he can to be kicked out or denied.

Personally, I would love to see GIJoe/Avengers. ROM/Guardians of the Galaxy, and because MARVEL/Disney could now actually make this happen in comics, Star Wars/Star Trek.

Obviously, the DS could start an extinction level event or just erase a several major cities. “Look we don’t have to kill you, just hurt you real bad.”

Probably not, but it is a musing.

Not really. The Focus RS is FORD’s rather good rendition of the Lan Evo, an AWD boosted, stupid fast, Economy car.

You sure? Site your sources. Because from what I’m getting from Ward’s is that sales of BEVs are Down, Hybrids are down, and it’s mainly due to low gas prices. Not up. Down. Also as I said before, in a 15M-17M annual units market like the US, 530k is utterly nothing. Caveat: Unless you are the ONLY one selling

Exactly what are you responding to? I never mentioned Toyota getting a bailout (before now). Although technically if you count Toyota getting huge tax incentives and loans they do NOT have to pay back, to build factories in the US, the HUGE financial backing Toyota got from the Japanese Govt which kept them from

Be specific. Which countries and what models. And site sources.

FORD has had this issue with trying to do things “on the cheap”. This is really obvious in the luxury market where Lincoln still does not have a car truly their own, except possibly the new Continental, which might be little more than the next Gen MKS. But no new, bespoke to the brand, platforms. Not even a Lincoln

“A single exception doe s NOT break the rule”

Not the subject of the article but I’m saying this: Until I see/hear/read, from at least two dissimilar credible sources, why Trump is so keen on beating up on FORD, based on his rhetoric and behavior to this point, I have to assume he is an anti-semite or harboring feelings to that end, because Mark Field, current

EVs, including all variations of Hybridsd, make up less than 3% of the US “fleet”. They dod not sell... well enough to be a worth while business without Govt basically paying you to buy them.

The main thing about that commercial for me now that makes me nostalgic is “VAN CULTURE”! When Vans ruled and were everything what ever you could want or need a room for, but on wheels, mobile workshop, office, family hauler, mini-rv, party wagon, p***y wagon, and so on.

So this is a dressed up Nissan SX/Siliva? When these were new I would have agreed to take this over a Mustang or Viper. But boy have times changed. I would take a Mustang or Viper over anything Nissan currently makes. Yes, even over the GT-R.

Or Arrested Development. If you don’t like it some much just find something else or delve back in the franchises past. You still have you memories, the OG episodes are on disk and online, the 1984 movies is still out there to be had.

I’m afraid you are not up on current engine technology. More cylinders does not add friction in the ways or to the extent you imagine. You are looking at this from teh stand point oif a four-cylinder engine. that only one cylinder if firing at a time. In a 12-Cylinder this is true butthe gap time between firings is

Not really. Modern CNC technology, “massive 3d Printing, and more efficient manufacturing technologies would make it possible for companies to make anything they want, even just tot prototype it, to almost any number they want or need, for a bare fraction of current manufacturing now. This especially since a company

If your point is to say “No it won’t happen because I like four cylinder engines”, that is strictly your thinking. Remember Mazda hung onto their Rotary engine despite its foibles and failings. Meanwhile GM, FORD, Chrysler, all happily hang onto their V8s, Mercedes still makes V12s. The point being it doesn’t really