
I don’t know what most people are thinking , but as a kid I was taught by my parents and school teachers to LOOK BOTH WAYS before crossing the street and then remain aware of traffic while crossing.

It’s a automobile not a poorly bred dog. That Seven slotted grill is JEEP’s pure and simple.

Maybe, but I doubt it. This is a relative kid being stupid in the face of a very gray future.

Nothing currently beats hydrocarbons for energy density, particularly in vehicles. Battery Electric Vechiles (BEVs) are not going to make any really big strides, even with technological advancement, in the market for a long while. The first real adoption of BEVs will be for vehicles on limited tracks and operating

Don’t sweat it. You have 20 years before you have to worry about worrying. 

Chrysler seems to be one of the few still selling heavily to day-rentals. That just needs to stop. GM is “pulling back from the bottle” and it is doing them a LOT of good.

Jeep isn’t really going for “rigged simplicity” anymore, expect with the Wrangler (maybe. The future is pretty murky). FCA is pushing JEEP to be very straightly “America’s Land Rover”. They should still err more to their core identity, being rough-roading, off-road capable (Debateable but still...), vehicles.

Having a beat up, rusted out, bicycle, with a half seized solid chain, would be having the better ride, at this point.

He does know that Oval racing is a LOT harder than it looks. It is a race of precision placement, down to teh millimeter, consistency bording on mechanical, and still finding a way to be better than the dozens of guys, and yet it doesn’t always add up. The fastest guy in qualifying may be the slowest guy on race day.

Mrs. Barra has enough to deal with in GM. She does NOT need the shit storm of Washington Politics, especically coming on with such a, rightly or not, divisive candidate.

VR and FPS seems to be a match they are made for. It would be interesting to see how gamemakers reconcile aiming and player POV when they don’t match up.

Really? they can’t just teach actual sword fighting? 100's of fighting styles based on one-handed, two handed, various types of swords, cultural preferences, body types, armored and unarmored, mounted and on foot, and they have to pick a sci-fi weapon with nearly ZERO chance of ever being actually real?

Yeah, but the DS1 needed ONE thing. A single ISD in retinue to the DS1. Park it directly over the exhaust shaft during the attack and game over.

I’m still hoping the C7 ZR-1 has not that much more power (720hp. 750hp tops), but produces and delivers it differnetly. This via a KERS or some performance Hybrid system

No NEW GM product should cost more than $750,000.

Yeah. No Fucking Skywalker family drama, no Force, and aside from a cameo of Vader NONE of the original cast.

Not to me. Vader looks like he is storming in about to kick the poor guy’s ass.

Star Wars is traditionally filmed in Great Britain and/or under the auspices of a British Film studio.

Audi might have had its budget shanked because of “Diesel gate”. So very unprofitable cars like EV super cars just aren’t going to work.