oh god little babies in western gear what is wrong with me
SO very well said. Thank you, I'm with you on this one. As for gun owners saying guns aren't to blame...well a mother died, hard to see any other way besides a gun that a toddler could kill his mother...She should have been more responsible, but still. No gun, no death.
I don't know, maybe they'll try him as an adult. It's all the rage.
What possible reason could a young mother with multiple children have for carrying a loaded firearm on a shopping trip to Wal-Mart?! Wal-Mart is a threat to the economy but guns aren't going to do shit to stop that.
Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.
you're only responsible until you make a mistake. And most of you will make a mistake. It may not end up this badly but you will make a mistake.
True and even more heartbreaking. Fucking terrible.
The horrible thing is that even if (God willing) he's young enough to forget the details, his 3 siblings, who were with him and his mother, will most likely remember all too clearly what happened and how.
These "child shoots mother/brother/sister/neighbor" stories are heartbreaking. Because this child's mother was so irresponsible, this little boy will have to live his entire life with the burden of having killed her. Hopefully he's too young to remember.
Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.
GOD DAMN IT. If you cannot keep a firearm secure and under your control at all times, you should not own it.
If only there had been a good guy with a gun there to shoot that baby.
Think of the Children.
And all the White Authority Feminists will "slut-shame" her in 3.....2.....1.....
Ugh, the hair conversation....again.
I'm finding it weird, also, although I hadn't thought about it as a trying to "find some white hero," so thank you for that reading of it; I think it's pretty valid and at least part of what's going on here. This stuff had been all over the news at the time (which I learned from Deadspin, so don't know why…
I have been natural for almost 5 years and it is not a shit ton of work for me at all. Please don't make blanket statements about black women or our hair.
nope. sorry . she is a straight-up whitey- calls aboriginals "them" and how "we whites" treat them. She aint aboriginal.
Seriously, that article made next to no sense.