cc racists and the black people who get killed by them.
Women not being responsible for the actions of men is filed under Society's Mental Gymnastics. When it comes to power & money, men (according to them) should be in power bc they are supposedly so very rational & even keeled. But, once women are in the picture- total loss of control! This shit will not change until…
Society wants women to courageously fight back against their attackers and be brutalized doing so because it fuels the media machine that is powered by sexualizing violence against women. They'd rather have a dead martyr than a living victim who might say things that hurt their feelings, because that martyr no longer…
Hi. German here. Here is a link from the Frankfurter Allgemeine about this case. This story certainly does not say that the accused murderer and his friends are being coddled. I assure this is an extremely unlikely scenario, that a foreign national would be "coddled" by the Polizei here. Germany has a different legal…
Women can't win. If we stay silent about our harassment/abuse, people will blame us for not saying anything. If we DON'T stay silent, we're still condemned or worse, killed. When are people finally going to understand that WE are not responsible for the actions of men? This man was so insulted that a woman would…
Thank you so much for this post! It has given me life. If the racists were just the members of the KKK, 99.5% of black people would be experiencing racism in our daily lives.
They are just racists. They may be smart on some things, not on others, educated or not educated, but they are all racists. People who think they are logical and reasonable, and may be on other issues, can still be racists. I've faced racists in all walks of life, teachers, doctors, politicians, the little old lady on…
That is a stereotype of KKK members that attempts to minimize the extent of racism among whites. The educated, the wealthy, the socially elite, the lawyers, doctors, teachers, judges, land (see plantation) owners, the women in the knitting circle, the kindly grandmas and the funny grandpas, all of them are found in…
Isn't that the whole historical context behind phrases like 'trailer trash'?
is it really that bad to be white trash?? I mean you'll always get picked over the black guy
Even if she is just an attention seeker, a broken clock can be right twice a day.
So, like, no one has a problem with his rhyming "Janay Rice" with "Ray Rice"?
Except Eminem has made an entire career out of calling himself trailer trash, making fun of his poor up bringing, etc. I'm going to say that if it's fair game for him to talk shit about, it's fair game for her to talk shit about.
Her music is excellent but she'll likely never be your fave because she's problematic as fuck. I just want her to prosper but she refuses. Get her mixtapes though. BOMB shit.
No. They don't. We do.
With murder, there's usually a sense that the victim is owed justice, a life for a life, and a sense of responsibility to the family. Going after the killer evens the score.
Yeah, that's exactly the implication. Phrasing it that way - "they can't un-variable it/you/them" - carries a tone like "What's the point, then? Why make a fuss? Why is this even still an issue? Someone in this situation should have known better, but now it's done. It happened and it's passed, what can you do?" …
The language is really interesting: They can't unrape you. It's as if once a woman is raped, there's no point in doing anything because what's done can't be undone. It's not like robbery, where they can recover the stolen goods, so what's the point? She's damaged goods now, and always will be, so why ruin a man's life…
Or else they wax nostalgic as they harken back to the good ol' days of the 1930's when things were just so fine and simple - you know, the Great Depression, lynchings and the rise of Nazi Germany. I'm looking at your sorry, ignorant ass, McConaughfuckwit.