
And Gawker network is full of them. It's disgusting honestly.

She has stated she is an ally so not going to expect much from her, but you would think any thinking person would want to examine where that thought process came from rather than get defensive. I have no expectations for those that proclaim to be allies and have pretty much accepted the others are hellbent on keeping

Quarantine them against their will? In an unheated tent in October? Naked? With nothing to read or do? Indefinitely? Without access to her legal counsel? Regardless of how many tests come back negative?

If it takes a whole for the viral load to be evident in tests than it would also take a while for it to be contagious. Even in Texas, where the Dallas victim was traipsing around town for days after he developed a fever and the nurse was on a plane with a low fever, the only people who caught it were the people who

Why is fabric color only brought up as an issue when it doesn't work on white skin? Why are fabric colors that are terrible on dark skin almost never an issue? Can you tell me that?

Did you read my comment? Because i said, "Why is fabric color only an issue when it doesn't work on white people?"

"The "statement" orange dress would look hideous on anyone without dark skin" Why is fabric color only an issue when it doesn't work on white people?

I'm not sure what song you were listening to but the song in the article that he recorded is not a lone piano

The style he uses is black

A white man stealing black music. What else is new.

Well shit. Since we're going by movie science guidelines; why don't I just take this microwave oven, some wire hangers and a toaster, and build a time machine?

Breach of protocol or not, she put herself in harm's way to care for this man and do her job. She's a hero in my book and I hope she makes a full recovery.

Why are they still writing about black people? There are other white people I prefer to read about! It it all about what I want isn't it?

I don't think that's fair. I mean B+J are different since they apparently shut the place down for a private tour, but for us regular poors, I don't really think there's anything wrong with wanting to commemorate what could likely be a once in a life time opportunity. Someone having taken a selfie doesn't mean they

yeah, jez is crying because you will no longer grace them with your presence.

bye felicia.


"Yet another reason to hate the NFL: They chose Katy Perry OVER Rihanna for the 2015 Super Bowl."

My ovaries!

Whether and to what extent weight gain is healthy during pregnancy is dependent on a patient's health prior to pregnancy. Under some circumstances, weight loss is indicated for the health and safety of patient and fetus. But that's for a patient's provider to determine, not mean girls in a fucking waiting room.