I wish you well. My Mother had a mastectomy in January and just started her first radiation treatment yesterday. On the plus(ish) side this go around has been easier on her (which is saying very little) than chemo 15 years ago when she had cervical cancer.
Double post, whoops.
I don't watch L&O on my own accord, but I caught that episode when my Mother had it on. That's exactly where my head went after I got over the whole 'mind went blank with rage' initial reaction to the article.
I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!
He was so pretty that it's almost painful.
Double post. I also hate iPhone. :-D
I really wish I hadn't checked the link. I had been in a crabby mood to begin with. It's definitely upgraded to "wow, I hate people" status.
Oh boy. Here's a doozy! This just happened about two weeks ago. A fairly well known club DJ who had previously worked at Green Room (it used to be The Chili Pepper and then Revolution. Green Room is inside, America's Backyard is now the outside) was randomly attacked and wound up with a broken eye socket and his jaw…
I'm pretty sure reading this just gave me several new forehead wrinkles. I cannot believe the level of horrifying it is.
I grew up in Coral Springs. It's funny how quickly it went from a city that was supposed to be a great place to raise your kids (hah!), into a city that an episode of intervention was filmed in.
Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.
That's so refreshing to read! I've always had a moral issue with factory farmed vagina. So sad. So sad.
You are truly creepy. Truly.
In honesty it's government I take the biggest issue with. Believe me when I say I understand that there is a far greater problem, and I do get what you mean.
My nosy ass came across that page. People of... Something I can't recall the specific bus/train line, and that's probably for the best.