

Spending a week or two rescuing sages from dungeons is hardly different from what young Link was doing - sure, he was occasionally in the body of a seventeen year old while doing it, but his age doesn't really figure into the equation - it was more of a "you must be this tall to ride this ride" kind of thing, and not

Who's a good moon! Yes, you are!

I think so? Wanna come over and play some Smash Bros or something? We could grab a pizza

At one point, when Minda needs to move the cannon, poor Shad even admits he's being jerked around and goes back to the tavern to sulk so Link can go to the skyworld and be the hero. He knows Link won't include him in any of the cool magic/teleporation stuff and that's sad

I had completely forgotten about that until now but you're absolutely right. It started to feel really strange but the game seems to deliberately guide you towards solving all of the mysteries Shad is interested in and never having him find out about it.

one time a pizza guy (rushed out the door by his manager) forgot one of my pizzas. He felt so bad that he offered to bring us free stuff ("I'm gonna bring you guys so much free shit!) and we weren't mad because we aren't crazy and we had our first pizza to ride us over. When he came back he brought a free pizza in

How can you hate on delivery drivers? They bring HOT DELICIOUS FOOD TO YOUR DOOR you lazy fuck.

I bought a new TV in September. 60" Samsung plasma with a 5 year warranty at Costco for less than $750. It's a gorgeous image and does everything I need it to aka it hooks up to my A/V receiver which has my PS4 and Chromecast attached to it to handle actual gaming and streaming services. What the fuck else would I

I'm pretty sure it's in the US Constitution somewhere that people are protected from Facebook by their rights to privacy and free speech!!

As of five minutes ago everything posted by me or anyone else on or its subsidiary sites is my personal trademarked property. Aside from actionable slander, unsupported innuendo and personal insults, which Gawker can keep, everything now requires my PERSONAL review before it can be blogged, reposted,

I love the idea of social media, but I can only stand so many "Share to win" "share if you love jesus/want to cure cancer/etc" and dumb shit like that. Over Christmas my sister got upset at me why I unfriended her. And I straight up told her its because of all the dumb shit you post and that she tags me in every

I love these things. They confirm my deepest suspicions about which of my FB friends do not know their arses from their elbows. The people who posted this on my newsfeed today are the exact same people who post every other bullsh*t Facebook hoax and ill thought out meme and sheeplike "challenge. " It's pure pleb

Hate reads still count! Thanks again!

Just be yourself, and smile and listen a lot. If you have a big mouth, don't let it get you into trouble and you should be fine.

Don't fake it when you have sex with them. They'll remember that.

I've been dating a girl for about 7 months and am meeting her parents for the first time today. Wish me luck.

Markiplier is great. I was on the fence about him up until recently, but I watched his Five Nights at Freddy's videos and they were great. Then he posted a couple really personal things in the last week, completely unrelated to games, massively heartfelt gratitude to his fans stuff... it really pushed me over the

I've never watched Pewdiepie. I saw his picture once and determined I'll never want to know any more about that person. No regrets.

We have become much ruder and even cruder than we used to be, language wise and everything else. Wise. I can't think of another word that has as much shock value anymore as cunt does here, it's like the last real existing curse word left. Bitch is now sort of a term of endearment in some cases, as opposed to an insult