
I spent 2 weeks in your country, loved the shit out of it. Took some getting used to hearing "the C word" used so often. I don't shock easily, but I did clutch imaginary pearls once or twice.

"It's . . . food." I like that. "All our menu items are made with 100% . . . food."

All I could think was that the story would end in their marriage.

I'm going to admit, I was 1. a horrible waitress 2. had no filter as a teen.

I just kind of wish that instead of it being signed, it was a paw print.

Well, I am searching the comments for someone who might complain just so I can tell them they're jerks so...

That will be the name of me Maroon Five cover band

I have a similarish story. I was out with two friends in San Francisco, at a very crowded gay bar that was cash only. We didn't have a lot of cash left, so we could only afford 2 beers plus a tip or 3 beers with no tip (I know we should have stopped to get more, but it was late and we were already a little drunk). The

Indeed. Reminds me of my own story working in retail. Only electronics store on a native reserve in the province, so natives paid no tax. We got people buying for friends and family and driving back home all the time. This dirty unwashed 65 year old dude got passed off to me and bought out $27,000 from us, much tears. Sending you and your mom tons of good and healthy vibes!! Stay strong!

I recently quit my job at a huge university to start my own business. Until it's up off the ground and bringing money in, I work as a cashier/bartender at a local cafe inside a grocery store. Some of our customers really suck and treat us all with utter disdain, because not only are we service workers, we're working

Back in my serving days, I ALWAYS got the tables no one wanted—-part to try to prove that they WOULD tip well, if treated right. Once, one of my less-than-stellar co-workers gave me a table of middle-eastern men, with the comment, "I won't wait on Arabs, I once had a table of them that stiffed me". Being young and

Every Friday night, these two wonderful women come into the restaurant I work at at about 5pm and stay until 8:30 or so drinking and chatting and relaxing after a long work week. They always have kind words for my coworkers and me, and they are genuinely interested in seeing me pay for graduate school - so much so

I waited tables at a cafe in PA during college, and one day I heard the two other lunch shift waitresses (who were white like me) bitching about a table, and it soon became clear why: they had a problem waiting on the four black women who were seated there. I immediately said that I would wait on them (because fuck

Just to make up for that bad experience, every time I meet someone from an obviously far off place I make the conscious choice to ask them where they are from, extend my hand and say, "Well I am glad you're here now."

I've never eaten in a stupid Cracker B. since all the bullshit of firing people for being gay. Looks like that ban is never going to be lifted.

Cracker-ass Cracker Barrel.

seriously. i wanted to punch each and every one of those coworkers in the face and throat.

I've never served, but I did work in sales at a home improvement store for a bit...

Hallelujah, BCO Time! I run a coffee shop and on Mondays I place our supply orders, deal with customers, and clean up from the weekend - by myself. At 11:35 today I finally had a break in people and got to eat my leftover pizza lunch, JUST in time to read this week's entry.