
Yours doesn’t allow you to pay exact amounts of money for what you’re getting on the eshop? Mine does.

I didn’t realise there was stuff missing. That’s a shame. I just mean that when you take a low-fi game like that it won’t be running any worse on the Switch, so then the portability gives ot that edge that the other options can’t touch.

Why wouldn’t you want every good game to be on your favourite console?

If it’s a choice between versions of a triple A title with some mad production values then there are absolutely pros and cons to consider, but if you’re looking at a lo-fi indie title (which the Switch is getting a real nice selection of) there’s no discussion. Games like Stardew Valley and Shovel Knight are their

Almost any Doctor Who episode

Think I’m gonna have nightmares about how you’re possibly going to be able to clean that machine

Fantastic episode but it’s still lame that Mark Gatiss just does his Mycroft voice instead of trying to sound like Syrio Forel. Nobody does, and Braavos just feels like another part of Westeros as a result.

What does it say about me if the only episodes I enjoy from this whole season are the ones that are entirely setups for desperate cliffhangers where it seems all hope is lost? This and the middle one from the monk trilogy really did it for me. Plus, the element of time dilation caused by a black hole was a really

Just replayed Ocarina of Time. Won the bottle of Lon Lon Milk from Talon at the ranch, then noticed it was still in my inventory after getting to the Temple of Time and waking up seven years later. Drank that shit anyway. Restored my hearts and still tasted as fresh as the day it was serenaded out of the cow. Great

I’ve had two or three Switch dreams as well. I am kid-at-Christmas levels of excited for this thing. I know it’s over the top but I primarily play games to chase a feeling I haven’t experienced since I was a child and Nintendo hype is the closest I can get to that feeling. I’ve got it all preordered and I’ll be in

This is technically a story about me rescuing somebody else, but it was a lovely moment all the same. It also probably happens ALL the time, but hey whatever.

It’s not quite the same but in a way I played Fable 2, and all the DLC, and sometimes even revisit it BECAUSE I hated it. It was this cathartic experience where I was just sitting there, daring the game to be even worse. Everything was disappointing in the most satisfying way. The morality system was unbelievably

I sunk soooooo many hours into Tactics Advance, man. Often on toilets. I got so serious about 100%ing it a few years ago that I ordered a second copy and a GBA link cable to trade myself the one item that I’d neglected to hang on to for one of those

Damn girl! Well, goodbye and good luck and all the best and see you around and all that. I don’t comment a whole lot but I do want to express that you and everyone on the team have made this one of my favourite places on the internet, and I’m sure I’m not alone there. It’s imaginative and intelligent and fun and just

I absolutely adore the Vita and Sony’s mishandling of it is heartbreaking. Not enough people know how good it is over the 3DS in terms of long-term value; yes, you’ll start off needing to buy the system and forking out serious money for an adequately-sized memory card, but after that initial investment you can just

Huh! Well that IS (literally!!!!!! sorry) a gamechanger. That makes things easier because that shiny thing in the Limited Edition pack is miiiiiighty tempting just on its own. Many thanks information warrior <3

Still really annoyed that all these new characters are only in the 3DS game rather than DLC for the Wii U game. I already bought and really like Hyrule Warriors, and it’s so fast paced that I can’t imagine it’s anything like comfortable to play on that little rectangle. I’d buy DLC. Got me all peeved.

Juuuuuuust gonna keep holding my breath for that EU release.

FUCK YES!! I’m so overjoyed. I’m in Europe so that gives me a decent heads up to get on with my replay of chapter 1. Argh. So excited <3

Was looking at an email from some online toys-for-adults emporium and started to lose a lot of confidence in my screen tapping accuracy, because whenever I hit the link saying ‘hoverboards’ the page kept coming up with these pictures of things with wheels. It was a real wack minute.