
@blalien: I was about to say THOSE EXACT WORDS, BLALIEN. bros4lyfe

Oh my. That's suddenly ranked first in the list of tattoos I'd consider getting if I could ever be persuaded from my current opinion on tattoos.

And for any confused or offended overseas readers still out of the loop, do allow me to reiterate that a "fag" in this context is a British slang term for a cigarette. Lighting up a fag can be marvellous fun, but only for the same reasons that setting any human being on fire is, regardless of sexual preference :)

Ah. I love this whole thing. I absolutely agree with their statement on zombies being more compelling when you throw them into an established universe instead of build a story around them. Not that I've any beef with the latter, you understand. That's great fun too.

There's so much love in this room.

@alphaprologist: I read your comment, and then I got a tattoo of an eagle fucking an aircraft carrier.

If this doesn't come out in England I'm gonna cry until you drown.

Sup army of Dr. Manhattans.

Could never kill the final boss in the original. That fight was horrible. Guess I'll give it another shot when I get this.

What a mincey strut.

@Mini-Boss: Sometimes you can see whatever Scott Ramsoomair's been reading because it reflects so much in his artwork on the rare occasion that he updates. This one reeks of Boxer Hockey. A while back he seemed to be channelling KC Green.

@Milzo: Yeah, but his little Quatto hands don't have a lot of reach.

@Eternal: I know it's not that big a difference so I was gonna keep quiet about it but I've seen that picture three times now in the comments so I'm gonna stop bottling it up; that's Majora's Mask Link :p

@Alex_Mexico: Let's not forget the opportunity to take enemy dog tags for no reason whatsoever.

@Why So Many Shooters: Maybe not an FPS, but Super Mario Land on the GameBoy has shmup sections :)