
Dear god, thank you. Maggie Gyllenhaal is sweet, talented, and, as a friend of mine says, "sneaky-hot." I adore her in Stranger Than Fiction.

Bracelet I mean. I have no idea how to edit these things. Which I guess puts me in the same camp as Vogue (rimshot).

I haven't seen it, but I bet it's hilarious! I heard about the Coddington eye-rolling throughout, which pretty much cemented her as the most awesome/relatable person in the whole organization.

Hahaha, maybe I should work for Vogue, if you enjoyed it that much. I'll just have to mention brands more often. I'm writing this on a vintage Dior keyboard.

Uuuuurrrghghghghghg Elisabeth "TNT". Between her opulent snore-fest castle rustlings and Hamish Bowles' bloated estate blatherings, I end up looking more at the advertisements than the articles in Vogue lately (this could also be since ads have gone up, oh 200% in the past 3 months that I've noticed).

I'm so sorry about your job. The exact same thing happened to me at my last job (FT employee turned into contractor, was laid off). It'll get better, I promise. I empathize so much.

I gave birth to my first child, a son, almost 6 weeks ago. On Monday, I had to put my 14 year old dog to sleep. This tribute reminded me of what I want to give my son (substitute prayer for mindfulness), and what I hope that I gave my dog in her lifetime.

I always knew science was pro-sluttery!

Ah, the age-old journalism-is-going-down-the-drain rant.

I's shocking how every media outlet manages to talk about someone right when he or she has a new tour, movie, book, etc.

To get someone to say something THAT blatant in a deposition with their lawyers present is pretty impressive. This reminds me of the end of a Few Good Men. The general manager's lawyers are Tom Cruise asking if she ordered the code red. Paula Deen is all Jack Nicholson "yes, I ordered the code red." Paula Deen's

No, but I suspect it's more an attitude of "Let the poors at least read about how the other half lives."

This has been the case forever. Wintour just makes it more obvious. Socialites buy the products advertised in the editorials, so it does make sense. It's just irritating for the rest of us, who don't actually think socialites are very interesting.

Yep. And to a certain extent, I suspect that the people who make a big production of showing how worried they are about your available choices know that. "You should be grateful that I've put this much thought into it!" etc. etc.

Family get-togethers were a nightmare for me. My aunt would constantly be wringing her hands about what I was going to eat, and I know she was trying to be considerate, but in the end, it just makes you feel like a demanding, self-entitled jerk when everyone focuses on you and your diet choices. I just wanted to be

I'm mostly being glib. But it did bug the hell out of me. Most people often acted like my announcing that I was a vegetarian meant that I was going to start judging their food choices. The number one response I'd get (after they would ask — I wasn't going around providing this information to anyone) would be something

Well, I'm obviously being glib. But still... THE QUESTIONS. THE ENDLESS QUESTIONS.

Long time vegan here. Also a poor grad student. I don't know who these people are who think being vegan is expensive or time- consuming. The same people who were once fine with a shitty cheeseburger from Burger King try veganism and all of a sudden think their dinners must now consist of hella expensive exotic herbs

I fell in love with you as soon as you mentioned the crushed and toasted cashews, I swear.

agreed. i'm just veg, but the number of people who ask me 'so what DO you eat?' blows my mind. is every single thing you eat meatful? you can't imagine cooking quinoa or making a roux with veggie broth? who are these people...

last night for dinner i made awesome red lentils topped with awesome steamed cauliflower with