
This is what happens when every legitimate news source hides behind a paywall and only the woowoo news sites are available to aggregate. In America now only the rich can get accurate news. Well, unless they're Republican and then they're watching Fox.

Did you watch The September Issue. All the eye-rolling Grace Coddington did behind Anna's back was a riot. That place must be such a hotbed of passive-aggressive female energy — I wonder if interns sometimes spontaneously combust. ALT always seemed as critical to the place as Anna. Maybe it's time for a big head to

I just enjoyed what you wrote far more than anything I've read in Vogue lately. Yes, TNT. She's so full of herself and her friends. Are we going to hear about the boar hunt weekend every year? I guess that's the assignment, but bleeeggh. But honestly, Chloe Malle seems to bug me more. She just seems SO full of herself

When did I ever say Vogue should be The Onion? What are you snorting?

It doesn't make me happy to see Kelly Osbourne because for some reason I have this idea that she got her stomach stapled and won't cop to it. That is some serious surgery for the morbidly obese and I'm just uncomfortable with starlets getting it so they can wear a bikini. But maybe I'm completely full of it and she

I was more focused on how Russell Brand was all over Gawker Media. There are other media companies?

Paula Deen makes a compelling argument for never curing agoraphobia. If she had just stayed hiding in her damn house, the world would have been safer for everyone.

Anna Wintour is a horrid classist fattist beyotch, I've always gotten that. But I've been subscribing forever (despite being poor, fat and a million other things you don't approve of, Anna, helllloo!) and they used to have some good editorial written by women who appeared to have journalism backgrounds. Interesting

S'okay. Even my mom forgot.

Awesome! I think what a man says about the Housewives reveals his feelings about women in general. Don't you love how it's so smart to sit around and scream at the television for four hours while guys in tight leggings throw a slippery ball around, but silly and brain-dead to spend an hour watching women in beautiful

Is this Russell Brand Day and I forgot to set my alarm again?

Don't you wish you could see a penis before you decided to sleep with it? Because I am telling you, sometimes that fella would come out and I'd be like Gaaaa! Too big! I'm petite and in my pre-childbirth days I wasn't so...accomodating, y'know? I always wanted to find a guy with a small penis. I even tried to date

Oh thank you, this gives me a chance for my Vogue rant. Have you noticed how that magazine employs nothing but socialites to write for it these days? Seriously, you have to be European royalty to get a fricking byline in there. In an age when so many talented journalists are without jobs, to see these plum positions

Don't let the patriarchy confuse you. PLENTY of people are watching these shows; just look at the ratings and how many iterations there are of the same concept. It's also the patriarchy trying to convince you this is fluffy trash. These are shows starring strong grown women. Why would I be ashamed to watch that?

It's not trash! The Real Housewives is an awesome sociological bag of awesomeness. Why do people insist on calling it trash and apologize for watching it? Better to apologize for watching Family Guy, imho, but I digress...There is NO WAY you will convince me that the shit that has gone down on all three seasons of