Darren Rovell’s actual favorite teams:
Darren Rovell’s actual favorite teams:
Possibly my favorite comment of all time
I had a similarly condescending experience with a doctor recently - I am only 34 (almost 35 but whatever) and was just diagnosed with a herniated disc in my lower back. I went through a neurosurgeon to get the diagnosis, but up until the MRI confirmed it, he didn’t think it was a herniated disc that was the source of…
I was a stupid college kid at the time of occurrence, and so at that time I was actually the opposite and looking for reasons to be in denial about any effects. Had to stop drinking and working out for a few months, but other than that, I cannot really recall any other side effects/feelings after the first couple of…
God this is so eerily similar to what happened to me, same injury, generally same set of circumstances (had been drinking but not overly so), same general consequence. Thank you for sharing this experience. It brings me back to that scary time but it’s also oddly cathartic for someone to go through something so…
This could be the best thing he’s ever done.
Let’s not forget that Jason McIntyre was a very public and unabashed supporter of sexual assault.
Maybe he’s cosplaying Leonard from the Big Bang Theory?
Why does Deadspin still pretend like the NFL is worse than soccer?
Can we finally stop with this myth that New York is a destination franchise, at least as far as the NBA goes? They are no more relevant than the Sacramento Kings.
This needs to be Funbag question, i.e. how much better would the game be with an invisible line that only a television/streaming audience could see.
Agreed we need to eliminate the 3-pt line
I love how on both the NBC and FOX studio coverage, there wasn’t a single mention of how horribly he manages in-game situations and the game/play clocks. He was an outlier in how bad he was. Yet based on the pundits’ reactions you would have thought they had just fired Vince Lombardi.
Seedy college football forums are basically the dark web for sports.
It’s Bryan Cole Fisher, Jimbo’s nephew.
LeBron fucked Toronto’s wife and made the Raptors watch it
Take it from a guy who played high school football but never further, and subsequently imagined/marveled what the monster hits I took in HS would feel like on the D1 level (and beyond...) I’m really surprised it doesn’t happen more often