
Yes fuck the white men and women who are against climate change! Ffs when are people going to open their eyes and realize that a not insignificant percentage of crap like this is entirely predicated on a single individual’s career ambitions. Just go ahead and say, “I deserve to be invited to the club!” instead of

Logic is just a tool the libs use to justify unproven facts as true. 

Stop being rude to chimpanzees!


False. Children are raccoons. They don’t become human until they’re old enough to drink.

Why can’t my dog sit just outside the restaurant patio?”

So your stance, the stance of black people who frequent The Root, is that you have every right to be a bigot towards me and in response I am ordered to smile and say nothing and I owe you a never ending debt because of the actions of certain members of my race throughout history? How far back exactly are we going?

Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Trump supporters.

Yep. I finally got a Samsung phone, and the mag stripe tech is magical, but I hate that Samsung is the only one with this tech.

“Bill Hicks. He’s dead; Alex Jones is alive”

Makes you pine for the days when closeted GOP congressmen kept it in the airport bathrooms.

Yeah, tap water is free, soda water is not. This is stealing. Was this fool raised by wolves?

And yet you have no problem working for a man who signed an executive order to protect “religious liberties” to allow so-called “Christians” to deny service to anyone they don’t like (also known as people of color and those who are LGBTQIA). Of all the lies that have spewed forth from your vile mouth, “I always do my

Getting hit in the face with a hot dog is the wurst.

I know this will stay in the grays, but what the fuck ever. Jesus, people, do you seriously believe that every. single. damn. woman who accuses a man of sexual harassment or assault is telling the truth? That no one ever makes a false accusation? Is it so fucking impossible that there are occasionally — just

Maher has always espoused true Libertarianism, the delusion that the world is a meritocracy, so, given that white men are in charge, it proves they’re just naturally better than everyone else. Any challenge to that, say, by identifying sexism in terminology or racism in casting or looking at the biases inherent in

I take it that in the top photo she’s just drunk from a false Grail or something.

Your first sentence is absolutely correct.