Math is hard, okay?
Math is hard, okay?
Have you ever found that there is still poo, no matter how much you wipe? Like wiping a sharpie?
Because that’s unlikely to cause anyone to get sick or die, so Pat’s not interested.
“It’s also well known that people freeze to death faster in water than the surrounding air due to the removal of the insulating effect of the clothing”
You do understand that faxes are used in business dealings in the US all the time still. Email is just not secure. I doubt you’ve bought a house or dealt with other kind of grown-up transactions that require it, but it is still quite in use...
Couldn’t watch one video without commenting on the physical appearance of the woman presenting?
That last part should read:
That is an absolutely horrible way to answer that question and no amount of practicing in the mirror will make it better. The second part is just fucking pretentious and insulting. “I prefer not to discuss previous compensation, thank you.” is how that should be answered.
I... I did though?
“I’m not sure how else I can drive the point home: your credit score does matter, because if it’s bad, it makes your life difficult.”
There, FIFY.
“If you’ve resorted to wiping radioactive material off your body with special wet wipes, you’re probably fucked.”
Can’t say I’ve had an ingrown hair there. But certainly have had a pimple... Very annoying...
Yessss, this!
Nice to know. I recently shaved my beard off because I’m about to turn 30 and actually don’t want to look older anymore. Perhaps it’s not such a bad thing.
Another poorly thought out article from the guy who apparently doesn’t care if what he writes actually causes people harm...
Really? “Putting a pallet in front of things hides them from immediate view”
Or no more than +9mph really.
Or no more than +9mph really.
Our work had to issue a policy canceling work-paid lunches for all but the major program milestone meetings. We had customer employees RSVPing just for the lunch on every random meeting where we just needed a single person from their side. The kicker was a weekly status meeting where the lunch tab was around $400.…
Wow, despitea family member’s close connection to the Trump Campaign and me being a registered Democrat there is no mention. Lucky me :)