This is basic food safety knowledge?
This is basic food safety knowledge?
This recommendation is ineffectual and can actually harm people. It should be removed...
This is poor advice. A refrigerator, even old ones, barely notice the heat that warm foods transfer to the air in the fridge. Unless your putting gallons of near boiling liquid in there any actual energy savings will be unmeasurable. What is more dangerous is that people may forget and leave foods out too long thus…
So when I was 25 my doctor asked me if I’d ever had a prostate exam, “No, why?” I asked naively and guess what happened next?...
I know it’s counter intuitive. A hot pan is key too, I spray in a tiny bit of canola, maybe 1/4tsp, and let the pan heat up until I can just barely see wisps of smoke then crack the eggs in. Works every time.
I know it’s counter intuitive. A hot pan is key too, I spray in a tiny bit of canola, maybe 1/4tsp, and let the pan…
Doesn’t sound like much of a loss if that’s all it took for her to stop being friends with you.
The pre-workout drinks have 175-300 mg of caffeine, but the study used 6mg/kg of body weight, which is like 600mg for me, so how do the supplements provide an “enormous” hit of caffeine?
Pics or it didn’t happen...
Indeed, it’s not that it’s so heavy, just with that little stub of a handle it’s quite unwieldy.
Indeed, it’s not that it’s so heavy, just with that little stub of a handle it’s quite unwieldy.
Honestly, my 10" is a Lodge and after a few cooks nothing has stuck to it since. I regularly make over easy eggs and they practically slide around. The surface isn’t smooth but is still very non-stick.
Honestly, my 10" is a Lodge and after a few cooks nothing has stuck to it since. I regularly make over easy eggs and…
Can’t recommend the 10" enough. I use it much more than the 12". It’s far easier to move around by just the handle.
Can’t recommend the 10" enough. I use it much more than the 12". It’s far easier to move around by just the handle.
That’s not even remotely true. Why are you fear spouting this nonsense?
Ditch the Tacoma, go with a Frontier.
Lucky, I’m in my late 20s and generally can’t stand most women my age or younger for the reasons you described.
Jesus. What a terrifying way to live, I’m sorry :/
Would you say your choice of degrees was unwise then?
Nah man, there are totally people who’s sole job is to check the FB profiles of clients, gather their friends lists (if they’re public), and check the credit of each friend to make sure their client surrounds themselves with credit responsible people. It’s totally logistically feasible and not a lie meant to make the…
Or you know, not make your friends list public. It seem highly unlikely they actually do this, the logistics don’t make any sense. Are you saying this just to seem important?
Be advised that split cord on this thing has crap shielding. Figured this out by bypassing the amp split and connecting directly to the antenna with a quality cable. For me at least, as it’s sold it was almost worth not using the amp to bypass that shitty cord. That is until I wrapped the cord in aluminum foil, now…
Be advised that split cord on this thing has crap shielding. Figured this out by bypassing the amp split and…