lol, what is that from?
lol, what is that from?
Fun Fact: When the FDA comes to review your product, they DO NOT mess around. The lady came wearing a military uniform complete with military ribbons and everything. Very stern and serious, not there to joke or ‘nuthin, surprisingly paramilitary.
I’m curious, my D/I ratio is 33%. Is this good, bad, medium? This also includes tax, insurance, and pmi on my house, should I be including that?
Here’s a question, I’m a landlord, how would I go about reporting late/missed payments or evictions of my tenants?
I bike to work often these days, and am fortunate enough to have a dedicated bike lane on the main road I ride on. It annoyed me as a driver, and still does as a bicyclist, how people will drive half way in the center turn lane to be “nice” to riders. It’s illegal, for one, unsafe and completely unnecessary. You stay…
That sounds like an incredible waste of time and energy.
But then... you’re in FRENCH Canada...
6,600 ft does not a “mountain” make.
Cooking in cast iron can actually be a good way of getting dietary iron. But I know from experience cooking tomato based sauces can harm the seasoning.
So basically teach your kid a technique that will not work with anyone else they encounter vs. teaching them how to wait patiently before interrupting. Got it...
False. There are usually many “right” was to make something, and a nearly unlimited number of “wrong” ways. I see this all the time in my work, it’s obvious who the good designers are vs. mouth breathers just warming a chair.
Tax benefit on the earnings though, plus you paid today’s rate on your contributions, congrats!
Yeah myChart is awesome. Although I recently found an X-ray analysis from 2013 I failed to notice before, it mentioned an incidental finding and I’ve never heard my Doc mention so I’m sure as shit gonna ask why I had to find that myself 3 years later next time I’m in.
I used to think the exact same thing, but to be fair a lot of places that deal with private information won’t accept email because it’s completely unsecured. Granted it’s just a medical card, but it could still potentially be used for ID theft or other fraud. I used to rail against institutions that would require a…
Not an all-time low. I got mine for ~$240 a while back.
Not an all-time low. I got mine for ~$240 a while back.
As someone who rents rooms I would totally go halves on newer fixtures if my tenants wanted to.
How much commission does Gawker Media get from each sale? I’m really quite curious.
How much commission does Gawker Media get from each sale? I’m really quite curious.
It’s a lie, they put that there to make you think others have done it so you should too. Nice little bit of instinctual marketing.
It’s a lie, they put that there to make you think others have done it so you should too. Nice little bit of…
A force field this does not make...
In my experience GoT is available immediately via HBOGO when it starts on air.