
This is silly, unhelpful, and incorrect.

Or, you know, open the door and look at the label inside. Mine says 1200 watts in the “Output” section. Boiling water is not going to be a reliable means of determining your microwave power because “cold water” isn’t a precise enough starting point...

So my vision isn’t all that bad, but I do still need glasses to see finer details like text and stuff far away. I’ve been told by people who have had laser correction that the halo effect is pretty consistent and that if my vision isn’t too terrible I probably shouldn’t do it. Would you concur?

So “3500K is still yellow on the Kelvin scale....” is still incorrect. Good to know.

So “3500K is still yellow on the Kelvin scale....” is still incorrect. Good to know.

Not yellow is it?... ... ...

Not yellow is it?... ... ...

Depends where you look... ...

Depends where you look... ...

Ooo yeah, makeup should probably be done under a higher color temp close to daylight. Any color sensitive task really. That’s why I’m a fan of two lights in the bathroom, one for makeup/daytime tasks, one for midnight pees so you don’t blast yourself awake.

Ooo yeah, makeup should probably be done under a higher color temp close to daylight. Any color sensitive task

3500k-4100k Bright White/Cool White, 5000-65000k Daylight. Regardless they’re both too damn white.

3500k-4100k Bright White/Cool White, 5000-65000k Daylight. Regardless they’re both too damn white.

5000k will be your true white bulbs, which are way too harsh IMO, they’re the worst for your circadian rhythm too as they make your body think it’s still day out. 2700k is where it’s at, they’re warmer and almost exactly like incandescents. I like a warmer hue in my house, almost looks like candle light (sans

5000k will be your true white bulbs, which are way too harsh IMO, they’re the worst for your circadian rhythm too as

I’ve found that being the grown-up, especially to people decades older than you, is often very satisfying. I recently remarked that I understood his “compliment” was actually poking fun and asked him why he felt he needed to put other people down to feel better about himself. The dude is 20 years my senior and the

$70k is a lot of money for some people, but I doubt most liberal arts majors are as fortunate as you and it probably took you a while to get there. I graduated at the same time as you and I remember how shitty the job market was that summer especially, but I managed to start a career as an aerospace engineer because I

The ice is probably close to 0F, salt lowers the freezing point of water so if you add 0F ice to saltwater you can get that liquid much colder without freezing it. The more mass you can get in contact with the can the greater the heat transfer from the can to the water will be (think about how 60F air feels OK against

That’s... Wildly incorrect, but I suspect you know that and are just messing with him. Normally I’d say bravo but I honestly can’t condone the willful spread of ignorance, not saying anything is one thing but teaching someone the wrong thing is damaging.

This was already posted, do you guys even check that you’re not duplicating articles?

Turn upside down and shake a little, you can feel/hear the powder cake fall.

Turning upside down and shaking works easily enough, you can feel the powder cake dislodge.

I use my 10" way more than my 12" actually, it’s much wore wieldy than the 12. But if course I own both. I also have several stainless skillets and I never use them. Both iron skillets live on top of the stove they’re used so often, really the only things I cook with.

Yup. I’ve also noticed that people of a certain generation are very wary of the autopilot, while younger people are mostly amazed and enthusiastic about it. Mid-thirties there abouts seems to be the split, I think it has to do with whether or not you grew up with computers.

Um, the count was 115,000 after the unveiling... 115k is not “half” of 325k.

That sounds very much in line with my disposition. What might you recommend for a moderately fit complete novice? I’m somewhat apprehensive about showing off my utter lack of selfe defense skills but I imagine there are classes that accommodate complete novices?