
Hmm, I apparently spend 39% of my take home on my mortgage (including insurance, taxes, and f’n PMI). How does that compare?

Machines tend to be very isolating compared to free weights, there’s a lot that goes into balancing that bar or dumbbells you’re not consciously aware of. Of course lifting is always better than not lifting, so keep up whatever feels good.

Good news is most don’t decompose into harmful substances, they simply get less effective over time. They’ll probably always be “safe”, but they might eventually stop working.


FYI the forward area seats are also the most dangerous in a crash. Not that you have anything to worry about statistically, just pointing it out.

Dammit, they said they would start preorders at 8:30, instead they started at 7:30. Got mine in at 8:18 and at maybe 8:50 he said they had 115k. Wonder what the chances are I’m one of the first 100k?

That looks boring as hell..

Whatever you do don’t use one of those nasal rinse things when you’re congested. I did that once and all it got me was a little pocket of saline water that I could hear slosh around every time I turned my head. It was there for like two days...

YOU PROBABLY CAN’T SEE WHATS LOOKING UP AT YOU... Ugh, it’s giving me chills just thinking about it. Somewhere I know it’s safe, like a lake or similar here in the PNW, I can overpower my fear with logic. Out in the ocean by Hawaii, noooooope, I’ll stick to the coral thanks...

Being afraid of water you can’t see the bottom of IS PERFECTLY RATIONAL! You have no idea what’s looking up at you...

I snarked so hard when I read that lol, no self-respectimg adult has that problem.

The hell? Still in the greys?

Indeed. Though it’s always interesting to see what people who have no idea about the industry have to say.

I have a friend that’s just constantly an asshole to me. This was previously ameliorated by our drinking habits, we’d go out and after 2 or so beers he’d be all buddy buddy and cool. Now that we don’t really drink anymore he’s primarily just an ass, so I’m thinking I’m not going to be friends with him anymore. I

What the hell is that clip holding? You carry a portrait if Abe around with you, FFS why?

Good lord... Getting up at 6 is not an early riser... Real work is hard I know...

Obvious troll is obvious...

^^Categorically false. Again, I know this is difficult for you to understand, but everyone does not experience the world the same way you do.

I thought NSAIDs primarily taxed the kidneys?