That reporter was pissed when Hank refused to give him a good sound bite.
That reporter was pissed when Hank refused to give him a good sound bite.
The owners have been spending too much time with the players. It's only a matter of time before NBA execs start killing innocents for initiation.
Man, that guy was almost as messed up as Wisteria Lane.
Yeah. Thanks.
"Bears fan here, i know my shit lol" wut
Is there a Bulls game on in the background? Joakim is so smooth.
More versatile than nacho cheese? Nacho cheese owns the chip AND joke industry.
Happy Gronk!
I went to the fight the other day, and it was good!
Joey Harrington was/is better than Matthew Stafford.
Do you agree with Riley Cooper's take on the new racism penalty?
If that Milk and Honey Original Cafe Mix crap counts, then where the fuck is Teddy Grahams on this list?
Cocoa Puffs was about 25 spots too low and Honey Bunches of Oats was about 13 spots too low.
Is this the best cereals for men in their mid-50s who need to lower their cholesterol or else they won't live to see their children's weddings?
Life is much better if you have a doctor friend (or NBA friend) that gives you free X-rays and MRIs.
Comcast is on acid!
Who did you think would win the Super Bowl? Did you expect Peyton to take a giant dump?
Did/do you follow Deadspin much? You seem like an Anti-Drew Magary guy.
In regards to you being labeled, has it been harder to pick up women? Also, have many men tried to pick you up?