Black Gallagher

Are there any NFL players whose teammates know they are gay?

Coolest name in the NFL? Yours is pretty nice, but does anyone have a cooler one? Like, Napolean Harris cool?

"TAPE! God damnit. How did I not think of that?!"

-Darren Sharper

I'm Black Gallagher.

Vagina noodles are the best noodles.

Oh, then yeah now I am sure it's a fake!

Tom, sorry to burst your bubble, but this video's a fake.

I always thought that of all of his girlfriend's Tyra Banks would have been the pitcher.

Did this news station miss the year 2010?

I love Pat Foley, but I don't think I could ever say he's better than Doc. Then again, it's mainly because Foleys annoys the shit out of me with that, "BIGGG SAAAAYYYUUUVHHHH" shit he does.

I would have taken you for a Red Sox fan.

Instead of those awful gift bags, why not just hand everyone a stray?

That just made skiing my favorite winter game.

Only if we are allowed to listen to that awful clickity-moving-around sound that GoPros make. Then I am onboard with players wearing a stupid camera on their head.

Unless they stop to shoot each other i label it BORING.

Hawk Harrelson sends his condolences.

You lost me at "what-have-you"

Yeah, but with an offense geared like that, teams like Northern Iowa defeat teams like Kansas in the tournament. Creighton can be the Northern Iowa for this year and make it to the sweet 16. And if UNI hadn't lost its shot in the second half of its sweet 16 game, it was looking at elite 8 territory.

In a perfect media world, the Super Bowl will end with him intercepting Peyton Manning and delivering a nearly identical rant about how he's the best there is and Manning isn't shit. If the Broncos must lose the Super Bowl, let Richard Sherman criticize Manning so the media can absorb it.

Funny, my postman never made me aware of this.