This is bullshit. Everybody knows all hospitals have names.
This is bullshit. Everybody knows all hospitals have names.
That guy should be careful. Cooper might jump that wall and fight him.
Sidespin: Did the "True Schiano man..." phrase originate on Deadspin?
I would also like to add that most bars in this area offer $2 bottles every day for the American shitbeers, and normally have $2 shots (different label each night) as specials, making a night of heavy drinking (10 drinks on special/bottled shitbeers) cost under $30 with tips.
I don't have any knowledge on this topic, but all I know is the prices for a case of Miller Lite (my preferred American shitbeer) costs $13.99 at liquor stores. So I just assumed the bars get at least $2 cheaper based on the fact it's not retail and they are reliable sellers.
You know, I would like a spinoff to this on the markups in college towns. Through inductive reasoning, I would determine that cases bars get in the college town I live in are costing them about $12 (Budweiser). Can you look into that at all?
Too late to recover at this point. The author is not a cheap bastard and we all know it. He's just a blogger who posted a story you failed to read.
To be fair, he didn't read anything past the headline, so take it easy on the guy.
Proud member of the Allegiance of Online Posters who Ignore Reading before Making a Fool of Themselves.
Yeah, I like to think he meant singular as in: He doesn't really bring the best out of the guys around him and would be incredible if basketball did not require teammates.
You completely lost me at, "...let's listen to what Reggie Miller has to say".
Please tell me your original headline was Black-to-black alley oops. Because that sort of unintended slip-up would be fantastic had a black man posted it.
No, it isn't anything about a comeback win vs. Idaho, just my opinion. I have watched both teams at least five times this year and just personally feel NIU has a clear edge over them. I think that Fresno is a great team, but NIU is the greater if the two, while both are still miles beneath any top 10 team.
1. Snickers
NIU is a much, much better team than Fresno. Not that either are all that special, but NIU is the better of the two. Both have horrendous defenses, but NIU's offense and special teams are deep. Their coach has implemented a system where there's a new set on literally every offensive play, and it fucks with schools…
Decided I'd do everyone a favor and invite the Jezebel boards over to this piece. Should be any minute now...
Yeah. At no point in my life will I accept that those teams create must-watch football. I can't allow myself to sink that low.
Ironically, they also looked the same.
Richardson is regressing, you dope.