
Scarol. šŸ˜Ø

I think those are all good points and I hope that is true. Itā€™s possible that Negan is going to be portrayed as a Dark Rick, a inverted form of the hero that shows what the hero has become in the past and could become again at any point.

Am I seriously in the minority here? I thought last nightā€™s episode was fantastic! It had everything, explosions! Death! Firewater! Daryl! Glenn yet again escaped death by a narrow margin! Daryl!

I am surpized how many critics have been bashing this episode, when my friends and I were thrilled with it, pretty much top to bottom.

Am I terrible? I plan on watching the Sam Gets Eaten scene again because the first watch just filled me with glee. Iā€™m not a kid hater in real life, but that Sam kid was (!) the worst.

I imagine those ā€œthings sheā€™s saidā€ include pride in her long political record and work for children and women, refusing to renounce her (really quite popular!) time and work as Senator for New York, and likewise her time and work as Secretary of State. And, surely, all of her pronouncements about her qualificationsā€¦

Bernie has a clear, concise ā€œweā€ message, even if itā€™s pie-in-the-sky: The game is rigged and we have to take the country back from the privileged few and make it work for everyone.

MoDo is still angry at Hillary for not leaving Bill after he *humiliated* her. She (allegedly) betrayed the sisterhood and set a horrible example for all those other women (and cheating men). I felt back then and feel even more strongly now that going along with the narrative that Bill, or any other cheater that getsā€¦

This argument really rubs me the wrong way for a few reasons. First, IIRC, Hillary Clinton had very little to say publicly about her husbandā€™s affair, and was blamed and humiliated for it. And second, Monica Lewinsky and the three Clinton accusers were treated horribly and dismissed as liars by the media and theā€¦

Maureen Dowd continuing to be horrible aside, I really donā€™t see this sense of ā€œentitlementā€ from Hillary Clinton. Sheā€™s a hard worker with an incredible amount of experience, and it feels like her daring to show up and run for president gets her accused of entitlement. Is there anything that she has actually saidā€¦

The federal budget deficit has declined every year from 2009 to 2015 already.

Right, the athletic department funds itself, but without any classes for the players to attend, none of them will be eligible to play.

Wow. If voodoo economics canā€™t work in Louisiana...

Who wouldā€™ve thought, states that continuously cut taxes run out of money?

Youā€™re saying its a special kind of shitty. And it's a lie. An often repeated lie.

Racism is alive and well in the rest of the country as well. And I've lived in the south and north. I found the north was actually more segregated, even if people claim to not be racist.

These standards DO apply to adults in the real world. If I made a racist remark to someone at work, I would lose my job. If we want to treat college students like adults, then they to need to understand that even legal actions can have unfavorable consequences.

Confederate flag everything exists. Literally everything. But, hey, letā€™s all get mad about Beyonce paying tribute at the superbowl to the black panthers. Because no musician has ever worn an outfit covered in confederate flags.

Probably something along the lines of ā€œIā€™m glad National Signing Day was last week instead of next weekā€