Actually, Sky Daddy cares. He explicitly said we shouldn’t judge others. Christianity, you’re doing it wrong.
Actually, Sky Daddy cares. He explicitly said we shouldn’t judge others. Christianity, you’re doing it wrong.
I am a case manager for low income families. A lot of my clients have some trouble with family planning and regardless of the fact that some of them live off of less that a thousand dollars a month, continue having baby after baby. Do I think it’s right to keep bringing children into poverty? No. Do I keep my opinions…
Pretty much everything we “know” about hell was created by fan fiction that the author inserted himself in as a Mary Sue.
Heaven for the weather.
If anyone actually read their Bible and saw what, the description of that, it’s disgusting.
Counterpoint: Those in-game interviews with Coach Pop are Dada poetry that enrich the meaning of life itself.*
I assumed he was an Aaron Burr guy since he had the better shot.
Pop for White House Press Secretary!
Craig Sager is definitely the press secretary. They always end up not telling CJ important things anyway. And, you know, the names match.
Having Timmy on the ticket could shore up Popovich’s campaign with the big fundamentalist voting bloc.
Popovich/Duncan 2024
Wear black and yellow stripes. Or a shirt that says BEE MINE
Words can’t express how much this moves me. I am always floored by the people that hate Beyonce, and think she stands for whatever vile thing they throw out there.
Somehow I don’t think “respect for police officers” is the answer to the whole police officers shooting unarmed citizens problem we have in this country. It’s kind of hard to respect an institution that keeps shooting your family, friends, and neighbors in the back on a regular basis. That’s just me though. I could be…
Ok, it wasn’t mentioned at all on the other article either, but was it just me and my sister who seriously couldn’t hear anything? I wouldn’t know if she repeatedly said “negro” or not, because I couldn’t hear a damn word anyone was singing.
You know what they say, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
Wow. We dudes are nothing if not persistent. Andy’s been dead thirty years and still managed to send a woman a dick pic.
Isn’t it always the way? You’re just out there trying to buy a couch and the guy tries to give you some strange dick along with what you came for.