I will never understand how guys have such a skewed perception of what women weigh, never. Are our insides supposed to be made of marshmallows or something?
I will never understand how guys have such a skewed perception of what women weigh, never. Are our insides supposed to be made of marshmallows or something?
Paris Hilton?!?!?! And......stop.
Electronic Press Kit. Hey, I know that and am 5'7" and 120lbs on the moon, so maybe I can make this happen.
A 5'7" woman with a maximum weight of 120 pounds. Yeah okay dude.
I can’t believe he listed her as a favorite. Does he not realize how tall she is?!
“Please don’t have your reps contact me, because I like to be able to lowball you directly. I find it’s easier to be manipulative and scummy that way.”
To be fair, he posted pretty much the same kind of requirements for male DJs:
“Some of my favorite DJs are female!...including this chick whose name I don’t even know.”
Well, if he likes Paris Hilton’s DJ skills, then he must be an expert in the field.
Am I the only one who just leaves my inbox to do what it will? I mean, I read the messages that I NEED to read, but I can’t be bothered to do anything about the rest. Gmail filters them nicely so I don’t even see most of them, but I guess I’m also just supremely lazy and have few fucks to give. I highly recommend the…
When they shut down Google Reader I made this.
They hate her more because she’s a woman, just like they hate Obama more because he’s black.
Yep to this. I am so over “progressive” men who concede that sexism exists in theory, but when presented by examples, they can always dismiss them. That is not progressive, folks.
You sound like a millennial who has drank the goddamn Bernie kool-aid if you don't think that electing a woman as president would mark a major shift for the country, much like electing the first black president. Doesn't mean you have to like or even vote for Hillary, but pretending like it's not a big deal makes you…
Exactly. Either this person is completely daft or a lame attempt at trolling. Shit, when Hillary Clinton won Iowa it was reported on every network, national and international, that it was history making because no other woman had done that. You think a woman winning the White House would be an “eh”? Come on.
They have always hated her because she is a woman. Going way back
It’s disappointing how many men who identify as progressive are quick to dismiss claims of sexism against Hillary Clinton. You don’t have to like her or intend to vote for her to see that the discourse around her is informed by sexism.
You can’t be serious, can you? Having the first woman President would be beyond mind-blowing. It’s history making. In the 200+ years of the United States history we’ve never had a woman as the Commander in Cheif. That’s not mid-blowing? Jesus.
Are you fucking kidding me? Please do society a favor and educate yourself on what a feminist is. The actual meaning, not just what all the MRA’s claim it is and then get back to us.
I’m not part of the establishment. I’m a businessman! *cheers*
I’m not part of the establishment. I’m a doctor! *cheers*
I’m not part of the establishment. I’m not a politician! *cheers*
I’m not part of the establishment. I’m a woman! *boo hiss*