I just cackled out loud!
I just cackled out loud!
“In 9 months you will still be able to sleep in and drink before noon.”
Yeah or like a joke or riddle. Something to make us laugh as we’re wondering how at 32, we could let another pair of underwear and jeans get stained.
Fortune Tampon!!! Brilliant!
Now I don’t know anything about design, but I really feel like they should come with a piece of chocolate and a midol inside each wrapper. Oh, and slip of paper with your fortune on it.
Let’s play Clue, shall we?
A sadistic reality TV show idea: lock this douche, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump in a studio apartment. Provide lots of alcohol, not quite enough food, and no hair products.
I’m a litigator. Sometimes I’ll do oral argument before the Court and think, “shit, that felt like rambling. I bet I sounded so dumb. I must do better next time.” And then I get the transcript back and I’ve spoken eloquently throughout it. Comparatively, I imagine Palin is like “nailed it” after a speech and then…
I’m taking credit for this. He’s been doing it for months and I finally got fed up and tweeted at her yesterday, and this morning her team issued a statement. Coincidence? PROBABLY. BUT MAYBE NOT.
If I can let Bjork take me into Inuit throat-singing space worlds.. I can let Liz take me to crack-cocaine ridiculous land! :)
Wrong! They’re so Nineties, they’re mixing in MTV’s Unplugged.
Yeah, MTV Unplugged was absolutely never a thing in the 90s and absolutely no one ever listened to the unplugged albums.
Yessssssss. I would watch the grunion run with him any day of the week.
A while ago I spotted Josh Charles in NYC, and I took the chance to put my face six inches from his and whisper-shriek “You are so FUCKING AWESOME.” As I did it, my brain belatedly alerted me to the fact that this was not the most appropriate way to express admiration to a stranger. As I prepared myself for the…
bae-ness has no effect on woke-ness but in reverse, bae-ness is absolutely influenced by the level of woke-ness.
Eternal woke of the spotless Bae
Woke Bae Emeritus.
I have a question: can the two criteria influence each other? Like, can someone become more bae due to their woke-fulness?