Agree. I like your Kodachrome idea. Or Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine.
Agree. I like your Kodachrome idea. Or Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine.
Agree wholeheartedly. When Trump won (what seems like a million years ago), that was my first reaction: If he eventually gets impeached, Pence would be bad... would take decades to undo the harm he does to reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, etc. But he would most likely not bring about the end of the world.
See, I don’t think so. I think very few of these blowhards actually want to repeal Obamacare (which can be evinced by the fact that they haven’t done it, despite controlling Congress and pres.). If they repeal it, people will lose their healthcare, and Republicans will be held responsible. And they don’t want to be…
Is it possible that Paul looks like he’s gonna hurl because the fundamentals of Trump’s exec order were basically his idea... an idea that one might guess he never thought anyone would ever try to implement. So now instead of being a blowhard who gets to shout about how he knows best but no one listens, he’s…
Yep. I saw an interview with him a while back, and my first thought was that he was infinitely more dangerous than the high-profile jackasses like Cruz we’ve grown accustomed to. Much smoother, saner-seeming. Seems reasonable, acknowledges that Trump is quackers. But he’s ultimately got the same agenda that Cruz does.
No, I agree—It is both. But this article isn’t about police malfeasance. It’s about the how the rest of the system is continuing to fuck people over, even when the police aren’t actively playing a role. (And I’m not pro-police by any stretch of the imagination, but I think if I read correctly, they’ve so far arrested…
Right... so you stopped reading at the first sentence? That’s what you’re bragging about? The point of the article is that Harris is wanted for a felony (that he didn’t commit)—under a warrant issued not by the police, but by a rogue judge. Maybe focus, here. In 90% of stories, police are the bad guys. But in this…
Read the article—the police didn’t issue the warrant—a judge did. The police are upset about it, and aren’t actively pursuing Harris, even with the warrant.
I work as a copyeditor (not in advertising), and I will say that people upstream ignore me A LOT (including on race and culture sensitivity issues). So it is possible that someone of color (or even a white person who doesn’t have their head up their ass) looked at this and raised a flag, and the people in charge of…
It’s ego—but not in the obvious way. He took the job because he thought he could use it (and Trump) to his advantage. He thought he could play the puppetmaster. Despite everything they’ve seen Trump do—all the careers they’ve seen him decimate in a short time—these people (Tillerson, Mattis, and the Congress stooges)…
Perhaps... but the Louvre shouldn’t have accepted if they didn’t think it had artistic merit. The problem is that we’re seeing this more and more—crowds of people clutching their pearls over one thing or another, and museums pulling works of art because of it. Whether the art is good or bad is not for me to decide…
My thoughts exactly. Somehow that disgusts me far more than if these were hundred-thousand-dollar contributions. At least then, the politician could argue that it’s impossible to get elected without becoming beholden to the NRA. But... $3000? You can get elected without that.
Yep—What’s really disgusting is that for the individual congresspeople, it’s not even that much money. Like... they’re selling people’s lives for $9000? Or $3000? Jesus. What is that, a single radio spot?
I... kinda agree with the Melania defenders? I mean, the librarian’s argument is sound, and we all hate Trump (Donald more so than Melania) and DeVos. But it’s still a dick move to throw a well-meaning gift back in someone’s face. It’s just impolite. And if someone had done that with a book selection that Michelle…
I don’t understand that either. I mean, so do ALL women have that condition? Or are they saying that women who join whatever ins. plan that are pregnant at the time they sign up—that they have a pre-existing condition?
I don’t think they’re idiots; I think they’re just really bad liars, so they sound crazy. When asked “why should this bill pass; how will it help Americans?” He can’t answer “It won’t, but I’m voting for it because the Koch brothers won’t donate to my campaign if I don’t.” So, he has to come up with some non-answer…
Yeah... I didn’t CHOOSE to work during college. I HAD to. But it’s complicated—we have more control over our finances than we realize. For instance, having to work leads to needing a car and needing a work-appropriate wardrobe. And you have only 10 minutes between school and work, so you eat out. And you have only 10…
I bet it’s that the kids do so much socializing online, that it doesn’t seem like that much of a hardship to not be able to drive. For us... it was the end all be all.
Samesies. Especially my college years. — I worked so many hours (often more than 40/wk while going to school full time) that I would burn out and take semesters off school (semesters I had already enrolled and paid for)—which ran up my student loan debt.
ME TOO. I do the same thing. There’s a few women at my office who sit in stalls talking on the phone. It infuriates me. I generally try to be a pretty discreet pooper, but if they’re there, I let ‘er rip.