Seriously. Sounds like LaurEli920 might prefer a whine train, amirite?
Seriously. Sounds like LaurEli920 might prefer a whine train, amirite?
I understand feeling that way on a commuter train, because that shit WILL NOT STAND!
Right? “The Wine Train” just sounds like an absolute riot; the kind of place you can totally go and drink wine with your book club and occasionally even allow noises like laughter to leave your face. They need to change this to “The Scowling Moneyed Pearl-Clutching Day Drunk White Ladies’ Transit Line.”
See, I agree, but I also have to accept that the problem is mine because I generally just don’t like rowdy public spaces. My solution? Stay away from them. If people being loud and tipsy bothers you then maybe don’t go on a wine train, you know? Try the library, or set up a private tour of some sort.
Seriously, it’s like kicking ladies out of a showing of Magic Mike: XXL for hooting and whistling.
Well, but I think there might be more than one origin story here. I didn’t even know about this hip hop song, and I hear the word and intuitively think of a no strings attached kind of guy. Isn’t it also used by gay men? I mean, I take your point and think it’s true for many many things, but fuckboy? I dunno.
Or maybe you might be wrong.
You’re right. Just like “shade”, black people appropriated it from the gay community and now act like they own it exclusively. It’s hilarious.
See, this is confusing to me because we said “fuckboy” in college—I’m an Old, suuuper White and went to a very White school. We used it as one would use “donor”, “slam piece” or “dial-a-dick”. A fuckboy was someone you would do it with but who enjoyed no other place in your life or perhaps even your social circle. I…
So the takeaway from this is that Lindsay Graham is poling below Deez Nuts?
They say that Deez Nuts is an Independent, but in my experience he has always leaned more to the left.
Sometimes I love America, and sometimes I REALLY love America.
He talks a good talk, but when is he gonna release policy specifics?
“Hmm, Donald Trump. That name sounds familiar. Ah, now I remember. Wasn’t his coming foretold in the Book of Revelation, somewhere between pestilence and the locusts? Shame the world is coming to an end; I was really looking forward to the next season of Outlander.”
“They are still stunned that this is how it has all gone down,”
Congratulations to the older children of Annegret Raunigk who will no doubt eventually be the ones raising these quads.
Sort of off topic: We had some lady who brought her teacup Yorkie “service dog” into the bar and was letting it run around and I was like, “Lady there is rat poison at like every bar, including this one. Your dog is about the size of a DC rat. It will die if it eats any. Keep it on your lap.” She was PISSED. I don’t…
My wife was pissed when I unveiled me and my daughter’s duet to “Poison” because I had her (she was almost three at the time) sing the “Me and the crew used to do her,” line. Which, I mean, may not have been super approrpriate. But it was cute and hilarious and she nailed that line every time.
“Uh... I’m in a KISS tribute band.”