
You're right—I do have suspicions about the incident, and I think anyone who doesn't would be a fool. The son was treated for injuries. The fight was heated enough that it required intervention (I don't know if you ever had an abusive parent—I did—it isn't normal to intervene in their tirades. You only do that when

First of all, it's "paternity leave"—not fraternity leave (fraternity leave would be when you run out the room because you have to vomit from all that Natty Lite). Second of all, lots of countries (and many companies in the U.S.) already offer paternity leave (not enough, though! All companies should offer it—in

Again—I'm not speaking at all to whether the shooting was actually self defense or murder or whatever—I have no idea about that. I just was speaking to whether it's a good idea for public officials to make a clearly laudatory statement about Crespo before an investigation has been completed. It seems like they

I don't think that's what this commenter is saying—it's more that, just from the short description here, it sounds like this could've been self defense—the argument was so heated that the son intervened, and the son had to be treated for injuries. So the father clearly got violent with him (or he got violent with the

It's just a saying that sort of means overly emotional. Like, you get emotional about everything. I, personally, have too many feelings, and it has resulted in overcorrection—I end up not showing any feelings because if I let those buggers out, the dam will break and before you know it, I'll be sobbing about the

Ugh. The Hemingway thing bothers me on so many levels. SO MANY. And I fucking hate Hemingway. So, it shouldn't bother me so much that one writer that I hate compared himself to another who I also hate. But, seriously, Nicholas Sparks, you think you write Hemingway-style fiction? Hemingway's entire project was to

"Oriental" is generally considered fine to use with inanimate objects—like a salad or a rug. It's not used (in the U.S.) to describe people. So, this usage is not problematic.

Again, that wasn't televised. While it was being filmed, the individual had the option to say, "Thanks but no thanks" right there and then, and that footage was tossed into an un-aired archive.

I watched that show all the time back in the day, and I definitely think there was an element of humiliation that was built into it. There were even a number of people who were pushed to tears. Stacy and Clinton didn't use evenhanded advice—they were catty and snarky ('cause this is TV after all—evenhanded doesn't

A thousand stars for Artemis!

Me too! My boyfriend insisted we watch the Goldbergs, and I thought he'd lost his damn mind. But it's such a cute show, and she's so effing funny in it.

I really thought the Goldbergs was gonna suck, I really did. But it is so, so adorable. Everyone in that cast deserves a medal.

I can't speak toward Miss America's geography experience, but I took a geography class in college and it wasn't memorizing state capitals. It was cultural geography—it was basically about city planning, the development of agriculture, and a bunch of other things I can't remember (it's been a loooong time). I also

Oh no, it is their fault. But it's a society-wide problem, and we need to weed out why it's happening—and why it might occur in a certain population at higher rates. Unless we examine why something is happening, we won't be able to take steps to eliminate it.

I know you're joking—but this is a serious problem that's been dismissed for years by saying that abusers are morons or that they grew up poor so what do you expect—let's all just pretend that they don't exist. But that's just not true. Most of the players in the NFL aren't stupid, and the subset of players who are

Yep, you could. I just think it might be more prevalent in the NFL than in the general population because of the specific way that they've been taught to use their bodies to solve all their problems.

I think the core of this problem might be that these men have always been taught to express every frustration they have physically—and then they were praised for releasing their frustrations that way, so that becomes their go-to way to solve problems. Consequently, they've never learned to handle strong emotion

Absolutely it comes down to the individual—I've been to two male obgyns—one was a fine doctor, and was a competent doctor but was insensitive in a way that I still think about it over 15 years later. So as person who doesn't want to waste their precious time running through doctors who aren't a good fit, you

But that doesn't address what the OP's issue is. There are countless tales of women going to male obgyns and their complaints about cramps or clotting or any number of other issues being disregarded. A female doctor is generally less likely to do that because she's probably experienced those things—so she knows they

There have literally been federal laws inacted because abuse by (mostly male) gynos was so prevalent. That's why there has to be a female nurse in the room when a male doctor conducts an exam. It didn't use to be that way—it was a response to a lot of complaints.