
This may come as a shock to you, but vaginas (and breasts and uteri and ovaries) are just like any other body part—shit can go wrong and it has nothing to do with your education or income level. Do you think gastroenterologists have some edge on avoiding Crohn's disease or colitis? Well, it's the same deal with lady

My first gyno was a male doctor—and he very good—not creepy or anything. It was actually the least physically uncomfortable gyno experience I ever had. The man had a soft touch with the speculum. So, don't lose hope!

That was so hawtttttt.

Ugh. Me toooooooo. When he did that panther crawl up the bed? Yowza.

I find their move to have customers photograph themselves in the clothes is GENIUS. I just find another plus size gal, or a regular size gal with at least similar shape to me (broad, very boob-endowed) and I can actually get a sense of how it will work

But, we don't want this idea to gain popularity. Because right now, all women with health insurance have access to (essentially) free birth control. We have no copay, and our insurance has to cover it. If this were to pass, it's a stepping stone excising that part of the ACA. So, women would then be paying 10, 20,

What you're not getting is that this is a ploy. It's not a coincidence that they're suddenly "okay" with OTC birth control right after it was mandated that employers have to include it in their employees' health coverage. Republicans haven't had some sort of change of heart. It's not about women's health—they've

The breadth of your beaver knowledge is impressive!

Okay, I confess that I watched this—and frankly, I was somewhat impressed (ie, not totally disgusted) by most of the contestants' answers to the question portion. The woman who won was asked about what issue she thought female lawmakers should take the lead on and she gave a sound answer about addressing sexual

Yeah, I didn't actually care either way about the color pink—but I made a big show about loving it. I believed that girls had to like pink in order to be feminine—and it was my job to be feminine. If I wasn't girly enough, then I was failing, somehow. I was probably around 3 or 4 years old when I remember first

1. I agree with the other commenter who said that it's not a good idea to bring it up for every single visit—that's more likely to cause a lot of people to shut down. If it's someone who doesn't come in often, see if you can get them to agree to come in for a general physical, and talk about it with them then.

My parents were raised Catholic in the 1950s and 60s—and they left the church and raised my sister and me as Protestants because they felt really strongly about the negative impact of guilt and other Catholic practices. But, out of nowhere, as they've gotten older (they're approaching their 70s), they returned to

The slap she delivers in the lobby is like a light smack on the back of the arm as she walks by. In no world is that sort of contact between 2 people who know each other considered assault. In the elevator, he hits first (and maybe spits on her first?).

Well, it does say ALWAYS. I think that accounts for the discrepancy. You might have an orgasm 95% of the time, but because it's not 100%—the survey doesn't include you in that figure.

I had this with an ex, too! God, I miss it. I have a feeling he was just really talented at holding back until he knew I was ready—so it wasn't necessarily all romance and synchronicity so much as plain old skill. But man did I appreciate it—because I'm not a multi-o type person. I'm like a guy—after one, my body

Jeesh. I was pretty much with you right up until you took a potshot at Lindy for no apparent reason.

Right. The problem is that they're trying to discuss how we're all victims of Big Tech's abuse by... re-abusing a handful of women who were already very publicly abused? Um... you're not helping, dude. You're not being edgy or insightful. You're capitalizing on the way that Big Tech is problematic. It comes off as

Right. There's no difference between photos taken privately and given to maybe one person and photos taken in public for a magazine with one of the largest circulations in the world. Keep telling yourself that.

Right, but if a charity knows that someone posted kiddie porn and encouraged everyone who found ~use~ for it to donate to a charity, essentially the charity is profiting from kiddie porn. It's ill-gotten gains.

How MacGuyver of you! If I had done that, it totally would've burned my apartment down.