But I already got Honeycomb!
But I already got Honeycomb!
@Dr. What?: Google has said Honeycomb is tablet OS. That said it probably wont stop devs though from making ports into bootable roms for phones though.
Glad I sold the Ipad I got for xmas and waited for this :D oh ya!
@thegeckoj: Ya just make sure you tell it which text message app to use.
If you dont care about changing a slider to a custom app you can always install one of the CyanogenMod roms and it has the option for 4 sliders. Phone, Lock, Text message and sound.
I know someone that will be extremely sad by this news :(
These guys must of attended the George Lucas school of Film.
@_Stormin: Give me a wifi only version. Most of these Android Tablet users will probably have Android phones that can tether via wifi.
UPDATE: No copied code ok we can carry on with our lives now lol
Cmon HTC dont let down and release a nice tablet.
Oracle on the line with Google.
@justinpe: Shootme or Screenshot app work on most phones without now.
Ive heard of him, he was in that one movie with Clooney, Arnold and that clueless chick lol Plus I just recently kicked his ass last year in Arkham Asylum :)
Rooting my HTC Evo was the best decision I ever made. Its a completely different phone now than the one that came from Sprint. I love it!!
@justinpe: oh cmon!! Not even Gingerbread?? lol
Glad I went with HTC ;)
@mruler360: Youd be surprised at the custom rom community out there.
Got root? So Glad I got an HTC, they have been pretty quick to come out with updates so no complaints there from me.
@metronome49: The funny thing is Ive told him these shortcuts at least 5 times . I remember cause each time I have to control my anger lol
This reminds me of an incident from just a few days ago here at work. My coworker kept insisting his copy and paste was broken! Turns out the window he was trying to paste into didnt support right click lol CTRL + C, CTRL + V !! Cmon!!